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changing steam accounts but cannot log in to my old BF2 account

Posted: 2020-05-01 18:05
by LoSom

I have switched steam accounts from my new one to the old one since I haven't spent any money on the newer steam account, so i was locked out of playing on some servers, however when i switched to the new steam account i couldn't log in to my old account(this account) to have the same username, i ended up just making a new account with a similar name, but is there anyway to fix it?

the error i get is 2000 :p rofile already in use, I have have logged (removed) off the account from the old steam but it still shows the same error, anyone had the same issue? if so how did you fix it!

Thanks in advance! 1.6 rocks!

Re: changing steam accounts but cannot log in to my old BF2 account

Posted: 2020-05-01 18:10
by AlonTavor
We don't have a system to undo it

Re: changing steam accounts but cannot log in to my old BF2 account

Posted: 2020-05-01 19:00
by AlonTavor
Actually - Delete old account, and then you'll be able to retrieve that profile name again.