Disconnecting from every server

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Disconnecting from every server

Post by Snadams »

Every server I join I just randomly disconnect,sometimes it will say problem with your connection, but rarely.

I have lowish ping(normally around 30-35). It never used to happen,I am using wireless,but always have used wireless and it never used to happen,I actually got better internet a while back and the problem got no better.

It forced me to stop playing,but now with the 1.6 update I really want to try get it fixed.
Anyone know why this would be happening?

I just done quick internet speed test and I got 46.8 Mbps download - 24.4 Mbps upload,which is not amazing,but not bad ether.

I never lag out of any other game,like ever,so I really don't think it is my internet.
Any help would be much appreciated ,please and thank you.
PR:BF2 Developer
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Re: Disconnecting from every server

Post by AlonTavor »

I've seen it before with BF2 and some router firewalls, sudden disconnects without the "problem with your connection". You could try playing through a proxy or disable the router's firewall
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Joined: 2015-08-24 00:27

Re: Disconnecting from every server

Post by Snadams »

AlonTavor wrote:I've seen it before with BF2 and some router firewalls, sudden disconnects without the "problem with your connection". You could try playing through a proxy or disable the router's firewall

Sorry, when you say "disable the router's firewall",do you mean the firewall on my computer?
PR:BF2 Developer
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Joined: 2009-08-10 18:58

Re: Disconnecting from every server

Post by AlonTavor »

The times I've seen it were faulty firewall on the router. If you don't have any fancy firewall on your PC its not the problem.
Posts: 12
Joined: 2015-08-24 00:27

Re: Disconnecting from every server

Post by Snadams »

AlonTavor wrote:The times I've seen it were faulty firewall on the router. If you don't have any fancy firewall on your PC its not the problem.
Well,damn I dont think I will be able to do anything about that...=/ Thanks anyways man,much appreciated.
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