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Using Enemy Kits

Posted: 2020-05-06 19:20
by friendly
Is there anyway to automatically force players to drop enemy kits instead of killing them similar to the new update that now ejects players from vehicles if they have the wrong kit instead of killing them?

Re: Using Enemy Kits

Posted: 2020-05-19 20:27
This seems like a pretty reasonable idea to me if possible. If the death feature is a matter of balance, then maybe just shorten the time a enemy kit is usable to discourage using HATS/C4.

Re: Using Enemy Kits

Posted: 2020-05-19 21:38
by AlonTavor
not possible

Re: Using Enemy Kits

Posted: 2020-05-20 15:48
by Fastjack
And if that would be possible the PR player community would be against it.

People already complained about the kit drop delay and about not been able to use the enemy bandage.