WingWalker wrote:Not really.
That would be stupid, and not at all realistic.
You would have to eject a live round manually, the bolt doesn't lock open for you (only when the clip is ejected), if you open the bolt it extracts whats in the chamber (a loaded round). If you shoot, it automatically loads the next round, there is no switch to stop that.
1. hold the bolt open (your thumb around the sight works)
2. stop just short of ejecting the round so you can grab it with your other hand
3. pull the bolt all the way back and hold it
4. grab your round/s to insert while holding the bolt back
5. try to push it/them into the clip which in turn depresses the release mechanism also
6. while holding the bolt back still you then have to find that round you ejected out of the chamber to do this in the first place
7. push it into the clip also
8. then release the bolt and it should slam forward stripping the first round (though sometimes you have to help it)
1. First, I would like to address your first statement: I don't think it would be stupid, as it makes perfect sense when firing from distance in a safe position and anticipating an enemy attack, where you better take your 20 seconds
reloading than wasting AMMO and or facing enemy with only 5-7 shots in the magazine. And yeah, you can just spread your jacket to catch the ejected round and don't have to micromanage it that much. Or just drop it to the table/window sill, or just say "F* IT, I'm in trouble" and let it go wasted.
HOWEVER, trying to directly translate real world features into the game don't always work well, as it has its limitations (i.e. not enough detail in maps for elaborate covers or no footprints in snow and mud at all):
2. WW2 maps are
already suffering serious balance issues and people often don't vote for ww2 maps if they are landing on GER side because of how OP Garand plays aganst Kar98k, so up to this moment I honestly believed not being able to reload Garand mid clip was actually
a feature. Admittedly, midclip reloading probably wouldn't change the way Garands are now all that much... Not sure.
While we could alleviate this problem by changing playstyle and adjusting it to real life (for the said reason
real German infantry combat was extremely MG34/MG42 centered), this tactic sure requires more teamplay and understanding of players.
Another way to actually let us reload (an already OP) Garand midclip could be by changing the fighting sides proportions, i.e. give Germans number superiority, say, fix it at 60% players against 40%, but I'm not sure as to whether 60 vs 40 rounds are at all possible with the engine.
Yet another way to have an arcady but "realistic" midclip reloading on Garand (as op as it is now) would be to nerf its damage as compared to Kar98k. However, I don't think anybody would agree to that, I personally think that would harm realism more than not being able to reload a Garand. Speaking of which, I believe we already have realism issues with Garand doing less damage than Kar98k, even though they have same bullet weight and energy. We also don't have M1 Carbine 30-rounds magazines, which entered service in October 1940. (Admittedly, they were never as widespread as 10round mags).
My bottom line is, it would be nice and I would love to be able to reload that Garand midclip, but chances are it's gonna need balance tweaking for playability. Note I'm not a dev.
P.S. Congrats on your nice little collection, people in most countries rarely have this opportunity.