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Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-01 13:59
by TyrantSlayer
Dear support members,

I have been suffering a crash game error wich frozes all my computer and the only solution is presing the reset button on my computer.

I tried to open with bluescreenview but i couldn't do it so I link the dump error file I get from procdump: ... sp=sharing

Thanks in advance.

Re: Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-01 14:26
by Mats391
Thanks for the dump. The crash appears to be caused by Avast antivirus. Please try whitelisting PRBF2.exe and the PRLauncher.exe.

Re: Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-02 15:09
by TyrantSlayer
Thanks alot I'm going to try it !! btw how u open the dump ? what program u used ?

Re: Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-02 15:23
by Mats391
I use Visual Studio or WinDbg.

Re: Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-02 17:02
by TyrantSlayer
THANKS A LOT !!! u gods of developing

Re: Random crash (file .dmp on link)

Posted: 2020-08-06 12:01
by TyrantSlayer
Dear support team,

dont know if create a new thread or just reply here.

I uninstalled the Avast antivirus and looks like fixing the problem but after 1 day without any crashes the crash is back, I bring a new dump file. (antivirus is still uninstalled) ... sp=sharing

Thanks in advance for the help.