Game keep crashing after 5 mins in game
Posted: 2021-02-07 10:32
=Main issue=
When I updated to, my game start to crash after a few hours with error: "Unhandled exception has occurred" but that does not bother me as much. Until today, my game start to crash just after 5-10mins in game with no error message at all.
I generated a crash dump with the latest crash: ... sp=sharing
=Additional question=
- I cannot join a squad when I am wounded or dead dead Is this a feature or a bug?
- Today I cannot join a squad before spawning as well, I was playing on HOG - Mixed Map.
- I sometime hear the squad leader and commander chat before joining a squad, is this a bug?
When I updated to, my game start to crash after a few hours with error: "Unhandled exception has occurred" but that does not bother me as much. Until today, my game start to crash just after 5-10mins in game with no error message at all.
I generated a crash dump with the latest crash: ... sp=sharing
=Additional question=
- I cannot join a squad when I am wounded or dead dead Is this a feature or a bug?
- Today I cannot join a squad before spawning as well, I was playing on HOG - Mixed Map.
- I sometime hear the squad leader and commander chat before joining a squad, is this a bug?