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Dead Squadleaders

Posted: 2021-02-23 07:30
by Vicious3o2
I think dead squad leaders blips staying on the map has a really negative effect for gameplay as this has the overall effect of making it look like more players are alive than in, reality. :lol:

I also think that their blips being oversized then other players has a negative effect, it's good for being able to read but perhaps making it just a tad smaller would be grreeeeeaaat.

Re: Dead Squadleaders

Posted: 2021-02-23 21:32
by Coalz101
I believe they should be transparent if wounded as a fix (If needed) other than that it's all fine on my part. The Size shows important honestly

Re: Dead Squadleaders

Posted: 2021-04-22 16:31
by _Gabo
I don't see this as a problem because it helps to find out where the SQUAD died, this ends up helping for more accurate flank tactics in my opinion