No puedo jugar online
Posted: 2021-04-07 00:45
Al momento de iniciar el juego, procedo con los siguientes pasos DESPLIEGUE - INTERNET y en ese momento se abre una ventana que dice "La conexión a servidores publicos está restringida en estos momentos. Por favor, confirma que no hay restricciones en tu perfil, como, por ejemplo, archivos modificados."
Alguien me puede decir como proceder?
When starting the game, I proceed with the following steps DEPLOYMENT - INTERNET and at that moment a window opens that says "The connection to public servers is currently restricted. Please confirm that there are no restrictions on your profile, such as , for example, modified files. "
Can someone tell me how to proceed?
Msalinero is online now
Alguien me puede decir como proceder?
When starting the game, I proceed with the following steps DEPLOYMENT - INTERNET and at that moment a window opens that says "The connection to public servers is currently restricted. Please confirm that there are no restrictions on your profile, such as , for example, modified files. "
Can someone tell me how to proceed?
Msalinero is online now