Ras El Masri AAS - add new Layer/Factions
Posted: 2021-08-02 23:45
This is probably low key one of my favorite maps, amazing visuals and fun gameplay achieving a mix of city combat without being too intense but we dont see it all that often being played due to the sheer difficulty on INS to actually win it, or AAS due to how crazy one sided it becomes.
My suggestion would be simply add another layer just with different factions as currently the AAS version is purely unplayble as IDF will absolutely destroy PLA CQB (l was aiming 1st and shooting 1st yet l still get killed by 1 dude which single handed solod 5 dudes of my SQ around 2 alleways) and if not mistaken some players also mentioned Assets are quite unbalanced as the Namer basically has a Merkava armor (l dont touch assets at all lm clueless in this one).
l would suggest adding MEC vs PLA or PLA vs USMC as the US is trying to gain influence over the new captured territory.
Perhaps even including 1 flag on the hills South of the map to avoid pure steam roles through the city as from the limited experienced l have from this map lm not that sure if there is any significant tactical building to hold advance and make a new front line
l really hope this is taken into consideration and a change is made (hopefully soon as its Summer and most players have more free time to play) as it makes me really sad watching this map not being played at all based on balance / fun issues and it would add up to the pool of Urban maps Admins would be able to place instead of typical Marlin - Beirut - Muttrah
My suggestion would be simply add another layer just with different factions as currently the AAS version is purely unplayble as IDF will absolutely destroy PLA CQB (l was aiming 1st and shooting 1st yet l still get killed by 1 dude which single handed solod 5 dudes of my SQ around 2 alleways) and if not mistaken some players also mentioned Assets are quite unbalanced as the Namer basically has a Merkava armor (l dont touch assets at all lm clueless in this one).
l would suggest adding MEC vs PLA or PLA vs USMC as the US is trying to gain influence over the new captured territory.
Perhaps even including 1 flag on the hills South of the map to avoid pure steam roles through the city as from the limited experienced l have from this map lm not that sure if there is any significant tactical building to hold advance and make a new front line
l really hope this is taken into consideration and a change is made (hopefully soon as its Summer and most players have more free time to play) as it makes me really sad watching this map not being played at all based on balance / fun issues and it would add up to the pool of Urban maps Admins would be able to place instead of typical Marlin - Beirut - Muttrah