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Debug assertion failed!

Posted: 2021-09-02 02:41
by DikissNbicheese
Bruh i just want to try A 10 and when i get into it the game crashes and it show ERROR
"Debug assertion FAILED!"

Re: Debug assertion failed!

Posted: 2021-09-02 12:00
by Outlawz7
DikissNbicheese wrote:file:///C:/Users/MIGUEL/Desktop/DEBUG.png

Re: Debug assertion failed!

Posted: 2021-09-05 02:59
by DikissNbicheese
I just going to reinstall it it might help me and the picture it was remove in my pc for no reason..


Re: Debug assertion failed!

Posted: 2021-09-05 12:06
by Suchar
The issue you are probably trying to describe was fixed in the yesterday's update.

Re: Debug assertion failed!

Posted: 2022-02-14 13:39
by Suchar
RyanMattox wrote:My game is crashing and I don't know why. Any update please.
Create your own thread and describe the issue providing as much data as possible.