Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

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Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Mineral »

Hello and welcome to the news post and DevCast for the upcoming Project Reality v1.6.8.0 update! Enjoy!

Updating and fixing recoil

The Battlefield 2 recoil systems has lots of shortcomings. Most obvious are the issues around full automatic firing and the reduction in overall recoil. This issue comes from two main factors. First when you shoot, all previous recoil is disregarded and restarts from 0. Secondly the second shot skips the first and biggest tick in the recoil animation. Both combined result in a reduction of about 50%. The next big issue is the client making false predictions for the recoil and the server constantly correcting the client. This makes recoil hard to control, especially on high latency.
Fixing these issues was no easy task and the only way to do so was to get rid of the default BF2 recoil function. Using our infrastructure to update game code on server and client, we created a new recoil function that sums up all recoil and improves heavily on the miss-predictions. With these changes all full automatic weapons now get the same recoil as using single fire. There is no more advantage for faster firing weapons.
Additionally to further improve on the single fire experience, we decreased the length of the recoil animation to make reacquiring your target easier and also allow for faster firing in single fire mode.
Destroyable mines

Mines have become a big part on a lot of maps, especially insurgency. They are very potent in shutting down roads and access to certain parts of the map. However there is a lack of tools to remove this threat. We worked out a system that allows mines to be destroyed by explosives. Right now only C4/TNT, mortars and artillery can destroy mines, but we might expand this to other big explosives in the future.
This new system also comes with another big benefit: It fixes mines becoming invisible randomly. We still do not really know what causes mines to become invisible, but luckily this new system does not rely on the old BF2 code at all. Finally as we saw mines becoming too common on conventional battlefield, we decided to double the supply costs for AT mines.

Ever since the introduction of the Polish forces we had a 5th generation AT (Spike MR/LR) in game, but never truly were able to show its capabilities. With a new system to control missiles through server side python code, we now have the ability to add proper top-attack to the Spike and future AT weapons. The user will have the option to choose between direct- and top-attack mode through the commo rose. In top-attack mode the missile will quickly climb to a maximum height of around 160m and try to hit the target at a 60 degree angle. This allows the missile to hit the vulnerable top armor of tanks.
Another feature of these modern ATGMs are their fire and forget capabilities. For gameplay reasons we decided to not create a fully fire and forget system that locks onto its target and automatically guides itself. Instead the guidance stays the same as with normal wireguided missiles and you will have to track your target if it is moving around. However in contrast to normal wireguided missiles, the Spike will continue to the last known target even if the gunner stops guiding the missile actively.
On the Puma IFV the missile will only guide while holding down the fire button. If you release the button, the missile will continue to its last target. This allows the Puma IFV to reposition as soon as the missile is in the air.
Off-map airbases

Airbases outside of the actual playable area are already present on maps like Falklands and Masirah. We now are looking into expanding these to more maps and replaced the existing airfields on Silent Eagle with offmap ones. These airbases will be placed 2km outside of the map, far away from any AA that might try to shoot at landing jets. This allows jets to more safely use the runways and allows us to increase the playable area inside the map bounds. Transport helicopters will still spawn in the normal map deployment area.
To make the use of the off-map airbase as convenient as possible, we added a teleporter between deployment area and airbase. In the deployment area you can find this as big yellow sign next to the command post and in the airbase the counterpart is placed on the terrace of the air control tower. To activate the teleport just walk next to the sign and wait a short time.
We hope these new airbases make fixed wing aircraft more enjoyable to use. They also might open the possibility to add jets to maps that previously were not designed for them ;)
Support Project Reality!

The Project Reality Team develops this modification completely free of charge for its community to download and play. If you would like to show your support, please consider donating to our team. These funds go directly towards website expenses, including bandwidth, hosting, domain registration, and maintenance. We never use donation funds to directly pay team members.

For more information, please feel free to join us on our public forums to discuss this and other news. Also, be sure to connect to Project Reality through social media to stay informed and receive up to the minute updates, the occasional leaked bit of information, and more! See you on the battlefield!

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- The Project Reality Team
Last edited by Mineral on 2021-09-04 13:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by LimitJK »

placeholder, so i can complain later :)

edit: recoil changes are great, feels way more consistent.

Last edited by LimitJK on 2021-09-04 14:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »

cool Updating and fixing.....keep it up
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Coalz101 »

One question though, will jets still beable to land and rearm at the in bounds airfield or will we always need to go out of map. In addition, how would we beable to track off map airfields as pilots since the minimap (and main map) only shows what's within bounds.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Iguanadjy »

You still keep pushing and changing stuff that seemed totally impossible few years ago because "hardcoded" or whatever reason given, people always complained (and always will) but I mean now your even writing new codes starting codes from scratches.... AMAZING!!!

Thank you so much Dev's !!!

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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Outlawz7 »

Coalz101 wrote:Amazing!
One question though, will jets still beable to land and rearm at the in bounds airfield
You can land, you can't rearm there anymore. Helicopters can still rearm in-map.
Coalz101 wrote:In addition, how would we beable to track off map airfields as pilots since the minimap (and main map) only shows what's within bounds.
Same way as on Falklands, fly in the general direction and distance.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by fenixcinza »

They are beautiful changes!
Congratulations for the ideas.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by mbgcihan51 »

Suggestion :

1 - The sounds of AK rifles need to be changed very badly

2 - Turkish army should be added

3 - Wall bending should be added
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Risiko94 »

Great, hope it works well ingame.

I've been b*tching for months about basecamping, especially with mines.
Happy to see it nerfed a bit. I assume the old method of using the repairtool provided by the engineer still works?

The only ATGMs with the updated "fire&forget light" are the Spike and the Puma IFV? So for both, the moment i release LMB the missiles will target wherever i was aiming at the moment i let go? Like a perfectly aimed dumbfire rocket with no drop, so to speak?
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by AlonTavor »

Risiko94 wrote: I assume the old method of using the repairtool provided by the engineer still works?
Yes. We just added a way for any squad to get rid of them.
So for both, the moment i release LMB the missiles will target wherever i was aiming at the moment i let go?
The target position will only update when LMB is down. With APCs, you can guide it, stop, then guide it again.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by InfantryGamer42 »

mbgcihan51 wrote:2 - Turkish army should be added
This suggestion have simple fix. If you want to see one faction in game, you mobilize group of people and make one.
AlonTavor wrote:The target position will only update when LMB is down. With APCs, you can guide it, stop, then guide it again.
So it works like ATGM on attack helicopters?
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Kevokpo »

Awesome news, The off map airbases is a good idea, I was thinking of an airbase for Korengal valley where you can take of and land with choppers safely without being camped right away, and maybe add some attack helicopters!
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Valmont »

Dear devs, do you have any estimations on how the recoil fixes affect the ai Bots' difficulty? Or are those changes just for players?
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Sixthncst »

As an avid PR user for almost 10 years, I appreciate some of the modifications, but am severely disappointed in removing the ability of insurgents to make nade trap bomb cars. This is an effective tool in combating enemy forces. If this game is supposed to be REALITY, then you should allow insurgents to operate abandoned humvees and some of the basic equipment. If you find an enemy weapon, you should be able to keep it and use it as much as practicable. This game is supposed to be REALISTIC, but too many parameters in the game hinder actual fighting. Overall I enjoy PR, but some of these restrictive changes hurt game play in my opinion.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by AfterDune »

Great update!

So now we can finally have off-map aircraft carriers that can't be seen from the shore - and plenty of time to play "Fortunate Son" or any other epic theme when flying towards the enemy 8-)
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by AlonTavor »

Sixthncst wrote:but am severely disappointed in removing the ability of insurgents to make nade trap bomb cars
You do realize this was only possible with logistic techies due to bad colmesh, right?
There's nothing realistic about using grenades in a VBIED, rather than filling it with half a ton of explosives, lik
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Germanius_GER »

Respect! After all these years, you guys are still putting out new updates with cool new features, that even put "professionals" game makers in the shadow.
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by ObeerBongKenobi »

Thanks for the update however this seems to be yet again one step fw and 3 steps back. The menus are messed up and cant see the cursor. tried resetting shader cache and updating my video card drivers. Also the UAV icon in the upper left in commander view can no longer be selected and placed on the map without guessing where the mouse is. The only way is to use the UAV from the small command window and right clicking. Some of the recoil is affecting the guns ability to shoot anything. I was playing Burning sands MEC VS GER and the german rifiles were unable to kill on single shot. I literally had 5 shot directly in the face of my enemy 20M away and he was able to single shot me with a G3. The german rifles are BB guns compared the the pellet guns they were before the patch. The M4 rifles are also nerfed after the update. Thanks but no thanks. -wank
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by Mats391 »

ObeerBongKenobi wrote:Thanks for the update however this seems to be yet again one step fw and 3 steps back. The menus are messed up and cant see the cursor. tried resetting shader cache and updating my video card drivers. Also the UAV icon in the upper left in commander view can no longer be selected and placed on the map without guessing where the mouse is. The only way is to use the UAV from the small command window and right clicking. Some of the recoil is affecting the guns ability to shoot anything. I was playing Burning sands MEC VS GER and the german rifiles were unable to kill on single shot. I literally had 5 shot directly in the face of my enemy 20M away and he was able to single shot me with a G3. The german rifles are BB guns compared the the pellet guns they were before the patch. The M4 rifles are also nerfed after the update. Thanks but no thanks. -wank
Nothing changed on gun damage. You either missed or the server are your bullets due to bad hitreg.

Mineral: TIL that Wire-guided missiles actually use wire
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Re: Project Reality v1.6.8 Update details & Devcast

Post by RaNa-Rocxs »

We need to fix the menu screen which hides my mouse at after every map loading.

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