WW2 sucks for the germans
Posted: 2021-10-26 07:51
Playing as the germans just aint fun on most ww2 maps. They are completely outgunned by the m1 garand's semi auto firepower. Everybody who can use the garand does. Even officers too. The kar98k's bolt action nature makes it a pain to use. Not only that it has less than half the ammo of the garand. So what if the m1 cant reload a partial clip. It has so much ammo you dont really care. And people dont really use it as a rifle. I find greater success running into a group of enemies and mag dumping. Most of the time. I will win. Even against german machine guns.
Speaking of which; German machine guns fire too fast and have too little ammo firing time to be effective compared to their american counterparts. 99% of the time I barely see anyone on the german team run a proper mg if they dont have to. Most of the time its either stg.44 or mp40. The semi auto of the mg34 turns it into an iron sight dmr. Which can be useful in the right situation. But those situations are far too few. The mg42 is good yes, but it's very hard to get effective bursts out of that thing in the squad machine gun role. The mg3 doesn't seem to have that problem. I dont know if fires slower or some other magic but it's better. Way better even if it's iron sight only. The mounted mg42 is a different story. However it has it's own shortcomings.
The best weapon on the german team is the g43 and I've only seem the smart squad leaders use it. Even over the stg.44. The g43 is nothing special other than being a hard hitting semi auto rifle.
The problems also extend to vehicles. The american half track has a .50 cal, A .50 cal that destroy most other vehicles. The german half track has the mg42 which is only good against infantry. And if you come up against an american half track if doesn't matter if you shoot the gunner off, you cant destroy it anyway. Giving the rear gunner an mg42 doesn't alleviate much.
So what can be done? Other than giving every german soldier the g43 which is not authentic in the slightest. And without nerfing the us team again.
Well first increase the amount of automatic firepower on the german team in some way. Somebody else on that team needs a spawnable smg. Somebody other than pointman, because he's pretty much the best class on both teams.
Two. The Kar98k needs more ammo. Possibly double. And since germans are pretty much screwed by their bolt actions. Give their machine guns; MG34, MG42, and FG42, more ammo. Like you did with the russian's RPK74M. And give the G43 more ammo aswell. 6 mags aint shit. I go through that much ammo assaulting a position or providing covering fire.
Point 3. There's not much that can be done about the inbalance in half tracks. I admit that. But maybe have it so that their can be more things done to enemy half tracks by regular infantry. For example have grenade that explode inside the half track do much more damage. I've encountered too many situations where I dropped both my frags into an enemy half track and it did fuck all.
I'm not gonna get into tanks or apcs because I'm primarily an infantry player and at most I do mad gunruns aka drivebys with the apcs.
Speaking of which; German machine guns fire too fast and have too little ammo firing time to be effective compared to their american counterparts. 99% of the time I barely see anyone on the german team run a proper mg if they dont have to. Most of the time its either stg.44 or mp40. The semi auto of the mg34 turns it into an iron sight dmr. Which can be useful in the right situation. But those situations are far too few. The mg42 is good yes, but it's very hard to get effective bursts out of that thing in the squad machine gun role. The mg3 doesn't seem to have that problem. I dont know if fires slower or some other magic but it's better. Way better even if it's iron sight only. The mounted mg42 is a different story. However it has it's own shortcomings.
The best weapon on the german team is the g43 and I've only seem the smart squad leaders use it. Even over the stg.44. The g43 is nothing special other than being a hard hitting semi auto rifle.
The problems also extend to vehicles. The american half track has a .50 cal, A .50 cal that destroy most other vehicles. The german half track has the mg42 which is only good against infantry. And if you come up against an american half track if doesn't matter if you shoot the gunner off, you cant destroy it anyway. Giving the rear gunner an mg42 doesn't alleviate much.
So what can be done? Other than giving every german soldier the g43 which is not authentic in the slightest. And without nerfing the us team again.
Well first increase the amount of automatic firepower on the german team in some way. Somebody else on that team needs a spawnable smg. Somebody other than pointman, because he's pretty much the best class on both teams.
Two. The Kar98k needs more ammo. Possibly double. And since germans are pretty much screwed by their bolt actions. Give their machine guns; MG34, MG42, and FG42, more ammo. Like you did with the russian's RPK74M. And give the G43 more ammo aswell. 6 mags aint shit. I go through that much ammo assaulting a position or providing covering fire.
Point 3. There's not much that can be done about the inbalance in half tracks. I admit that. But maybe have it so that their can be more things done to enemy half tracks by regular infantry. For example have grenade that explode inside the half track do much more damage. I've encountered too many situations where I dropped both my frags into an enemy half track and it did fuck all.
I'm not gonna get into tanks or apcs because I'm primarily an infantry player and at most I do mad gunruns aka drivebys with the apcs.