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Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 11:01
by bobbythebuilder
so to cut it short ive been getting this error since the update and its annoying i found out that 50players below your fine you're havent crash at all for like 2 hrs of playing gaza and when it changes the map players started pouring in it was like 35v35 and i crash idk whats happening i did everything from completely reinstalling the game to updating all my drives ive read a couple of threads that was ages ago and no solution has been found yet any idea? guys its either ghostmanager.ccp has error or this error Image its been annoying cuz i keep crashing multiple times if anybody has a solution please let me know

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 11:09
by AlonTavor
If you're the one posting the image about it on discord, I've never seen this error in my life. Its not the same issues we've had before.

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 12:44
by bobbythebuilder
yep thats me, i get 2 errors sometimes its ghostmanger.cpp and the other one is on the screenshot i have no idea ive red alot of threads from ages ago and i think it has to do with the update cuz i havent seen that error in my life as well ive been playing pr for 7yrs and this is the first time i encounter this error some say it has todo with the update and i just have to wait for the next update the other guys that ive talked to they said it has to do with the server having corrupted patch files i got no idea as well one thing i found is it start to crash when the players goes beyond 50/100

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 14:57
by AlonTavor
You're the only player with this specific issue, its likely your network.

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 16:04
by bobbythebuilder
theres a couple of guys that have the same problem they reach out to me when i posted the screenshot on discrod support basically the error is either "failed to recieve ghostmanager.cpp" or the one that i sent the screenshot on discord

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-29 20:01
by Mats391
In game on the scoreboard manage tab it shows packet loss at the bottom. What numbers do you get?

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-30 01:16
by bobbythebuilder
i get around 2% but most of the times i get 0% but sometimes it goes to 34% without a reason yesterday ive read this thread where his problem is his router and it fixes it eventually he said so im thinking of changing my router and see the results but right now i only get a couple of crashes not like the other day where i crash every 5mins

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-30 09:44
by Mats391
The cause for the crash is very likely your high packet loss. Even 2% loss already will cause out of order packets and weird things to happen in game. 34% is basically like the server disconnecting you

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-30 13:08
by bobbythebuilder
yep thanks alot ive resolve it now unlike last week from crashing every 5mins to 1 crash per 3 games i just changed up my internet cables cuz ive found out my cat has been chewing on it for some time now thankyou for the response and apppriciate it

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-30 19:41
by SemlerPDX
bobbythebuilder wrote:yep thanks alot ive resolve it now unlike last week from crashing every 5mins to 1 crash per 3 games i just changed up my internet cables cuz ive found out my cat has been chewing on it for some time now thankyou for the response and apppriciate it
Cats love CAT5E ... make or buy a sour apple or hot pepper spray and coat cables/wires they chew, it's pretty much the only deterrent if you can't hide the cables from pets - make them taste very bad. Cats and dogs can very well taste something with their nose before chewing, so it's very successful (until it isn't - reapply regularly, every few months at least, if it fades or sloughs off).

Re: Infamous ghostmanager.cpp is back

Posted: 2021-10-31 11:28
by bobbythebuilder
thanks for the tips man