Bring resuscitate back into the game.
Posted: 2022-03-30 13:12
Before you react at least read the next two lines:
I am not suggesting we remove the drag function. The thing I am suggesting is simply we add resuscitate back into the game.
With that out of the way let me explain why I think this should be a thing. Honestly I don’t think this should be a hard thing to convince people of and from my perspective the only real argument against it could be that it is technically not possible.
The reason resuscitation existed was to give players a tool to deal with the body glitching into walls/objects or just being in a different spot altogether. You might say well that is why we have the drag function now. And you would be partly correct in some of the circumstances where resuscitation could have worked dragging works just as well and to be more precise in quite a few situations it works better. The issue is in some situations it doesn’t.
Blaming the victim
And while some of those could be prevented by the victim not being in the location where they died, I don't like the answer of well you shouldn’t have gone there in this instance.
Because it feels unfair since at the core of it this is an engine limitation that is causing this issue.(That is not a critique of the devs btw it is just how it is)
Let me give some examples:
The other day we were defending a bunker as you do in pr. I think it was Deviro that was so unlucky to die in the toilet vent. So here I go running onto the roof while apcs shots are landing pretty much all around me but I make it to said vent. Sadly his leg was stuck in the vent wall. You can’t crouch in this vent so dragging was out of the question. I think it would have been difficult to get him loose with the resuscitate function but I am going to be so confident as to say I would have been able to. Honesty requires me to say I did actually manage to revive him in the end by going on the roof again and somehow still not dying to said apcs and dragging his body from the outside and that somehow worked.
Another situation that has happened to me endless times at this point so I don’t have any specific one in mind. My squad is holding a building, let's just say a T building on muttrah since that tends to be what you do. Someone in my squad is standing in front of the window and gets sniped by one of the elite snipers in the hills. This really should be the easiest revive ever just crawl into the room, put the pin in and we are fine. Issue is his leg got stuck in the floor or the wall or whatever else. Now it has become a hard revive. I can either crouch in front of said window and very likely be dead as well. Or I can smoke the room up significantly harming our defense. Or get someone to deal with the sniper in some kind of way.
In both these situations I end up reviving the guy. But it feels unfair and unnecessary that we have to go through all these hoops just because we got unlucky and the body bugged out. Not to mention if I make the wrong choice or we run out of time I might not end up reviving them.
Of course there are many other situations but most are variations of one of these issues 1. Can’t reach while crouched 2. I now have to expose myself to the enemies just because the body lagged out.
My suggestion is that the resuscitate function gets added to the same button as dragging but only activates when prone.
I know this might seem like a very small thing to many people but I think it would be a good improvement. Not to mention I don’t see how it hurts anything if technically possible.
I am not suggesting we remove the drag function. The thing I am suggesting is simply we add resuscitate back into the game.
With that out of the way let me explain why I think this should be a thing. Honestly I don’t think this should be a hard thing to convince people of and from my perspective the only real argument against it could be that it is technically not possible.
The reason resuscitation existed was to give players a tool to deal with the body glitching into walls/objects or just being in a different spot altogether. You might say well that is why we have the drag function now. And you would be partly correct in some of the circumstances where resuscitation could have worked dragging works just as well and to be more precise in quite a few situations it works better. The issue is in some situations it doesn’t.
Blaming the victim
And while some of those could be prevented by the victim not being in the location where they died, I don't like the answer of well you shouldn’t have gone there in this instance.
Because it feels unfair since at the core of it this is an engine limitation that is causing this issue.(That is not a critique of the devs btw it is just how it is)
Let me give some examples:
The other day we were defending a bunker as you do in pr. I think it was Deviro that was so unlucky to die in the toilet vent. So here I go running onto the roof while apcs shots are landing pretty much all around me but I make it to said vent. Sadly his leg was stuck in the vent wall. You can’t crouch in this vent so dragging was out of the question. I think it would have been difficult to get him loose with the resuscitate function but I am going to be so confident as to say I would have been able to. Honesty requires me to say I did actually manage to revive him in the end by going on the roof again and somehow still not dying to said apcs and dragging his body from the outside and that somehow worked.
Another situation that has happened to me endless times at this point so I don’t have any specific one in mind. My squad is holding a building, let's just say a T building on muttrah since that tends to be what you do. Someone in my squad is standing in front of the window and gets sniped by one of the elite snipers in the hills. This really should be the easiest revive ever just crawl into the room, put the pin in and we are fine. Issue is his leg got stuck in the floor or the wall or whatever else. Now it has become a hard revive. I can either crouch in front of said window and very likely be dead as well. Or I can smoke the room up significantly harming our defense. Or get someone to deal with the sniper in some kind of way.
In both these situations I end up reviving the guy. But it feels unfair and unnecessary that we have to go through all these hoops just because we got unlucky and the body bugged out. Not to mention if I make the wrong choice or we run out of time I might not end up reviving them.
Of course there are many other situations but most are variations of one of these issues 1. Can’t reach while crouched 2. I now have to expose myself to the enemies just because the body lagged out.
My suggestion is that the resuscitate function gets added to the same button as dragging but only activates when prone.
I know this might seem like a very small thing to many people but I think it would be a good improvement. Not to mention I don’t see how it hurts anything if technically possible.