Revamped Vehicle Warfare

Suggestions from our community members for PR:BF2. Read the stickies before posting.
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Revamped Vehicle Warfare

Post by Undermun »

Vehicle Warfare is used as a seed or end of the night gamemode, being not taken seriously. i think that's unfortunate, because assets are fun, but they very limited in other gamemodes. Especially now with the new vehicles FCS, it's the right time to make this gamemode shine.
  • It would be very nice to give people more opportunity to play with vehicles for fun and learning. Helping to break assets players/clans bubbles.
  • Commander seat for vehicles that have it, where the driver not longer has commander view, and the commander position has startup like the gunner to avoid seat hopping.
  • This will increase immersion and the gamemode attractiveness, where considerable part of the fun is the coordination of 3 man crew. This is specially true to asset players, which are the target public of this gamemode.
  • With 3 man crews, the number of vehicles on the map is decreased, lessening the vehicle spam that is currently common.
  • Use the gamemode as a branch to test new experimental features in vehicles that could possibly go into other gamemodes. One example of such feature could be turning the engine on/off.
I have no idea this is possible, but i am suggesting this to gather feedback on the proposals and it's feasibility.
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Re: Revamped Vehicle Warfare

Post by Coalz101 »

Pretty sure 3(technically 4 since we already have 3 seats in tanks) man crews like what you suggested will make VW boring, people already don't enjoy playing VW with tanks that require two persons to operate unless its like a full server. Which I will just make a vague statement that is not necessarily true but is kinda what the truth is: "VW is banned on full public servers"

On a side note. Commander seat has been suggested SEVERAL TIMES, and has always been and, I believe, will always be shot down. because of the engine off meta that experienced players use all the time.
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Re: Revamped Vehicle Warfare

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Coalz101 wrote:
because of the engine off meta that experienced players use all the time.
I want an off button for the engine. Nobody uses the letter I for ignition. Please DEVs break down the barriers they set upon you and give us easy engine off buttons.

Side note for tanks, can we make it so getting a grenade in the top hatch of tank by jumping on kill the crew inside? We can take tank vehicles prisoner this way as a natural reward, tank doesn't get destroyed from this hard to accomplish tactic.

Or if any vehicle historically has a steel opening, like for drivers to see, let us shoot inside the tank opening for some wounding. Useful for WW2.
Posts: 493
Joined: 2017-07-03 11:11

Re: Revamped Vehicle Warfare

Post by Coalz101 »

Grump/Gump.45 wrote: Side note for tanks, can we make it so getting a grenade in the top hatch of tank by jumping on kill the crew inside?
Unrealistic, tank hatches are locked most of the time while the crew is in the tank. Only reason the hatch is open is because of game balancing reasons. (Ability to kill the gunner)
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