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Cannot Retrieve Existing Old Profile
Posted: 2023-01-23 08:37
by cluelesshobo
I haven't played PR in a very long time and my old profile "cluelesshobo" seems to be lost. All password attempts I can think of do not work. I logged into the PR client using my old steam account as well and attempted the same passwords to no avail. Both my new steam account and old account report level 2 in this new system if that matters at all.
Re: Cannot Retrieve Existing Old Profile
Posted: 2023-01-23 11:31
by Mats391
The profile has been claimed by a steam account before, but since has been unlinked (aka deleted) again. It can still be retrieved from the legacy database, but only if you remember the password. There is no way to retrieve the profile without the password.
Re: Cannot Retrieve Existing Old Profile
Posted: 2023-01-23 17:39
by cluelesshobo
Mats391 wrote:The profile has been claimed by a steam account before, but since has been unlinked (aka deleted) again. It can still be retrieved from the legacy database, but only if you remember the password. There is no way to retrieve the profile without the password.
Thank you for the heads up about the system shame the methods are static like this. Although... I managed to retrieve the profile, turns out younger me made a typo.
Re: Cannot Retrieve Existing Old Profile
Posted: 2023-01-23 17:45
by Mats391
The system is that static on purpose to keep amount of personal identifiably information as low as possible. As a downside this reduces the comfort a little for the users.