Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

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Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

Post by -Lee »

So I was playing with US as a sniper using the L96A1 (I think) and was trying to hit some long range shots, there was an enemy sniper right beside a tree and I couldn't hit him, I asked my SL about bullet drop and he said that there is none using the sniper kit, is that true? I tried really hard hitting that guy (with and without compensating for bullet drop), like 2 whole mags but I just couldn't, since the recoil was high I couldn't actually see where my shots were landing.

So is there bullet drop using the sniper kit? If so, how can I accurately compensate it?
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Re: Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

Post by Leshy »

There is bullet drop. Not as much as in a real rifle, but it's there.
Smol Shrum
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Re: Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

Post by Smol Shrum »

Pro tip: Hold down the left mouse button after firing to delay the reloading animation and look for impact. Correct accordingly.

Bullet drop is there, but not a lot. Usually, holding the sight on the very top of the visible silhouette is enough to compensate for all the possible drop.
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Re: Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

Post by sprint113 »

If I'm not mistaken, guns in PR use a hybrid bullet drop system. Bullets will travel without drop out to a certain distance (300m for standard rifles, 600m for marksman and sniper rifles), after which there will be some drop.
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Re: Need help understanding bullet drop on sniper rifles

Post by Suchar »

sprint113 wrote:If I'm not mistaken, guns in PR use a hybrid bullet drop system. Bullets will travel without drop out to a certain distance (300m for standard rifles, 600m for marksman and sniper rifles), after which there will be some drop.
That's how it works for damage but not for bullet drop.
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