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"Debug assertion failed!" Game crashes as soon as i press play.

Posted: 2023-05-07 19:58
by Elegant_
Hello. I installed PR in a new computer, it's old but it works. The thing is that after installing it, launching the game and creating a local server to practice, my game crashes inmediately. An error window pops out and says:


Debug assertion failed!


Module: Ra

File: C:/Projects/BF"Branches/Patch_1_50/code/BF"RendDX9/Ra/RaShaderPermutator.cpp

Line: 574

Text: failed to load D3DX9d_24.dll, we need this to avoid the April 2005 DxSDK bug(recursive call on parsing some .fx files (skinnedmesh.fx)

Current confile:


Help. I tried to fix the issue by installing a package named VC redist, which was posted by a dev, but it hasn't fixed my problem. Can anyone give me a hand?

UPDATE: I just found a solution, you gotta download the .dll that the error box's telling you it's missing and once you've downloaded it, just place it in your PR folder. That's it.

Re: "Debug assertion failed!" Game crashes as soon as i press play.

Posted: 2023-05-08 14:25
by Mats391
Please do not download random DLLs from the internet. Just re-install DirectX 9 that should install the needed DLL.