[SSG] [HardCore | Fighters] [discord.ssgsquad.com] (Russian knock off/copycat server)

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[SSG] [HardCore | Fighters] [discord.ssgsquad.com] (Russian knock off/copycat server)

Post by Grump/Gump.45 »

Why are Russians re-branding and making a knock off product the of the original "SSG Hardcore fighters" server? Before when it actually included the word "Russia" in the server name I had less of a problem with it aside from making the mistake of accidentally joining it by mistaking it for the original SSG Hardcore fighters server.

But now they are using the exact same wording that the European Project Reality SSG server and the only indication its Russian is the flag in PR Spy and actually joining the server. It might be an attempt to get the people who made donations to the original SSG to make more donations but to the wrong server. Just like a few years ago with PR south Americans tried when DIVSUL was competing with a bunch of other servers to be top south American server.

This is deceitful dishonest practice that could happen anyways regardless of planned motives and what they want. They are not SSG Hardcore Fighters.

They are taking a lot of players who think its the original server as well as new players who never knew about original SSG server, from American and European servers, even I got confused one time thinking it was the original server till I realized they all speak Russian and saw no tactics, teamwork skills or cohesion. Then it all made sense.

They spread their poison upon society, so entitled, rude, toxic and sadistic towards others whenever they open their mouth or insert themselves in any situation, like Streetflash87. Fetal alcohol syndrome in its 10th generation on top of generations of mass neurological brain rewiring by sadistic dictators who torture, who turn neighbors and family against each other for speaking out against the states faults.

Its not above these people to lie and say somebody broke a rule to get rid of them, even if its family. You can see this in Project Reality servers, they lie and say somebody broke rules leaving only the bad toxic players. That is basically what happened to their society, bad people with bad traits got rid of good people with good traits.


Seriously though, Russia and China with their knock offs of everything. Copy cat products and scams using defunct company names and made up ones. Just with camouflage patterns alone they have knocked off Penncott Greenzone, Multi-cam, ATACs FG, 1982 woodland USA uniforms and more.

Then the modern inherent inherited creative sadism in their Russian society greater than any torture atrocities of the old hanging, drawing and quartering of the less sadistically creative old monarchies of the west.

This is 1900s and 2000s. Rats panicking in heated buckets under bare buttocks, sexual assaults of men and women, finger nails split and ripped. Blinding or removal of the senses, people bound left in wilderness for bugs to eat and more sadistic all sanctioned by the state for even thought to have or falsely reported by a neighbor for criticizing an evil regime.

Neurologically as a society, committing these acts changed the brains wiring of the people committing it and that is how children are born with those kinds of anti-social traits, one of them being lacking empathy. Supporting the war in Ukraine is both a result of will to survive and lack of empathy. This isn't just one family though having anti-social personality disorder children, we are talking a whole society. That is why Russian servers lack teamwork, tactics and cohesion.

People who should have been in mental institutions were in political, military and societal leadership positions killing anybody less than moderate in communist ultranationalist radicalism. Look what kind of people they have left. 7000 men in Katyn massacre, about 300 a night for a month by one guys hand, Vasiliy Blokhen.

Look up "Drawings from the Gulag" by Danzig Baldev. China is just as if not more sadistic than Russia (seen videos of blowtorched cows alive, general Tso park pigeons and skinned dogs). Their manufacturing capacity allows for even more knock offs than Russia. But when it comes to sadism genetically neurologically. Honor, shame and secrecy is ingrained in their society so their sadism methods are much less known.
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Re: [SSG] [HardCore | Fighters] [discord.ssgsquad.com] (Russian knock off/copycat ser

Post by Nate. »

"SSG Squad is a Global Community. It’s made up of people from all over the world anyone can Join."

from their website. Servers are free to host in whichever country they please.

You can contact Rana for further information I suppose.

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