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Failed setting cull on node: Error

Posted: 2023-06-30 07:13
by InchPincherToo
Need help on resolving this, it's on Win 10.



Re: Failed setting cull on node: Error

Posted: 2023-06-30 13:14
by Suchar

Re: Failed setting cull on node: Error

Posted: 2023-07-02 06:06
by InchPincherToo
Thanks for the link, it works after installing.

There was a dependencies missing (VCredist one), but turns out i was installing the x64 version, not the x86 one.


Re: Failed setting cull on node: Error

Posted: 2023-10-24 19:43
by shark_teeth
Hello, I installed PR for the first time and immediately ran into a problem: when I log into the server I am met with either an endless loading or a crash. help please

Re: Failed setting cull on node: Error

Posted: 2023-10-24 20:58
by Suchar
shark_teeth wrote:Hello, I installed PR for the first time and immediately ran into a problem: when I log into the server I am met with either an endless loading or a crash. help please
Please create your own thread.