Getting spammed by game Radio Comms

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Joined: 2017-05-12 12:16

Getting spammed by game Radio Comms

Post by Georgian. »

Game version:

Map, gamemode, layer:

[All maps, all the time]

Server name:



Hello dear developers. I have this super annoying bug of getting spammed by random radio comms anywhere I go on any map and 777 server mainly. It doesn't go away after restarting the game or the computer. I tried deleting the cache of the game too. The comms are mostly "throwing grenade" coms and it's making the game almost unplayable. I am talking about commands when holding Q button. I just hear them repeatedly all the time in game. Only very rarely on some rounds it stops, but I think it's does not depend on the different maps.

Thank you in advance for any help. Please ask me to clarify anything you need to know.

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