CNC: Can it be better?
Posted: 2024-02-04 23:38
CNC: Can it be better?
CNC BATTLE! eventI have played a game of Command and Conquer only once in my entire PR career(400-500h). When i realised that three weeks ago, I concluded that the only way to play this gamemode is to organise an event, which I did.
Pre-event issues
First problem that I encountered was asset balance on Vadso map:
2 x btr-80 vs. 2x Warrior
1x Chinook & 1x Merlin vs 2X KA-29
Blufor is clearly at an advantage. This issue is not solely limited to Vadso. I was able to overcome this by using altered server files.
Second issue was that CnC code and reality seem to be different. During testing my players were unable to replicate 50 ticket penalty for losing the FOB, moreover without the game code, ticket management was hard to comprehend. One of the participants created an overlay, that I think should be implemented on the map gallery. [LINK]
Event stage
Despite small planning issues, launch was a succes. We started 18 minutes past planned time. For more context check the [tracker] and feel free to have a look at these videos: [xpugr's video] [Suchar's video]. Deployment went better for the BLUFOR side. Both teams deployed their FOBs and set up a perimeter defence. That is when the problem with CnC logic started. When two teams have FOBs deployed, there is no incentive to attack the other FOB. This may cause "turtle-ing", and leaves the attacking team at disadvantage. This is because attacking team cannot leave their base unattended, yet the defenders are at full force after choosing "defend only" strategy. Let's say we have 30 players attacking vs. 40 players defending on a prepared position, it's a NO-WIN situation for the attackers.
Second serious issue is that CnC games just take too long. My event lasted for 1hr 54 even when blufor commander attacked redfor fob for over 1 hour. Public AAS games usually last less than 60 minutes. This may be one of the reasons why this gamemode is left out on public servers. In my opinion the most contributing factor is that there's no bleed when the enemy fob is up.
How do we fix the most serious issues?
My proposal is to introduce slow bleed whenever the enemy FOB is up. Team with fob closer to the map edge should have a sligtly greater bleed. If one team menages to destroy enemy's FOB, the opposing team should recive bleed similar to [this] chart. No bleed should occur only when:
-both FOB's are down
-frienly FOB is up and enemy FOB is down
Slow bleed (one that starts when the enemy FOB is up) should drain all tickets in around 1h 30 minutes to limit the time of match.
Introducing slow bleed would solve both problems(turtle-ing, matches taking to long) by giving actual reason to attack the other FOB. It would change 2-hour-long game of chicken into a real fight!
Please feel free to leave your feedback about CnC gamemode below.
PS: Another possible solution that may also be implemented simultaneously, is to lower the bleed for the enemy team by half, when more than 24 friendlies are in 300-500m radious of FOB.