waldov wrote:While you make some valid points I think you both miss some fundamental aspects of Insurgency that Al Basrah fully embraces and does a damn good job at.
Its NOT an even battle, the BLUFOR very clearly outmatch the Insurgents on paper, but that's by design. The Insurgents have plenty of opportunity to even the odds, but they cant (nor should they have to) limit themselves to a conventional warfare mindset.
I'm not arguing things should be perfectly balanced, but the way the map is designed just makes a insurgent victory completely unfeasible, at least according to my experience.
Basrah offers great opportunities for the Insurgent Sappers to severely limit and cut off BLUFOR vehicle access via the various bridges that are nearly essential too cross at some point.
Basrah gives the Insurgents plenty of equipment to contest the airspace: between MANPADs, numerous .50 cal techies and .50 cal emplacements Insurgents can again contest BLUFOR movement across the map and are offered a great opportunity to inflict potentially severe losses against BLUFOR shooting down loaded helis.
Further to this Insurgents still have plenty to contest BLUFOR land vehicles: beyond numerous, great choke-points for IED's, SPG emplacements, RPGs, numerous VBIEDs and an SPG techie expand their opportunities posing a serious threat to all BLUFOR vehicles (the vast majority of which are actually lightly armored if at all, bar the single Tank).
Those may all have been true when PR only had 64 people servers, but I find it extremely hard to move around the map unseen in the current state of the map in a full server, same thing goes for being able to properly being able to use .50 cal emplacements and vehicles to inhibit enemy helicopter movement. The moment you open up, you have 4 different ARs shooting at you from different directions.
And while the SPG techie and the suicide vehicles are very powerful, they're really loud, and a competent crew will always be set up in a very wide open area with the driver standing outside the vehicle to hear if anything is coming up.
Last but not least, the Insurgents aren't limited to direct confrontation, Mortars, rocket techie, snipers and IED's give them better stand off ability then BLUFOR if used right. You make a valid point that some of the caches on Basrah are incredibly vulnerable/exposed but IMO that's simply compensation for some of the great Urban/fortifiable caches the Insurgents get.
That's simply not true. The city is tiny, and even when a cache happens to spawn inside the city, it's often in the outskirts, which allows BLUFOR to put their heavy assets to work. There's also the issue that the insurgent main base sits right in the middle of the map and is very easily camped, even unconsciously.
And that final part just makes no sense. There are "godlike" urban caches, so we put caches that are essentially free for BLUFOR to take? That sounds like poor design, probably deriving from the fact that it was made during a time where the maximum player count was 64.
Al-Basrah is only weighted against the Insurgents if you have the wrong mindset, but on the contrary I see the Insurgents routinely win the map and even when BLUFOR wins its often by a relatively narrow margin.
Long story short: DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKEN
I would love to see some stats to see who wins more frequently, because in the Brazilian server in which I play, of the 4 times that the map has been played in the past months, it always resulted in a British victory, and not by a small margin. Would need to compare to other servers but I suspect the situation is similar. The British team needs to be downright incompetent to lose in this map.
I'm not arguing for the removal of vehicles. My complaint is regarding the map design itself. Outside the city it's mostly open areas with very little variation in the elevation, and it's not impossible to have all caches spawn outside the city. There's nothing to break the sightlines to give the insurgents some more freedom of movement, no trees, only a single village outside the main city.
Fallujah and Gaza are great examples of BLUFOR getting similar heavy assets, and yet not being completely broken because they can't just pick a place to camp from and do it with impunity. Them being heavily urban means the insurgents are more free to move around without being merc'd by a tank sitting at the edge of the map fog. Al Basrah also has very few enterable buildings in the urban core, so a lot of the caches that do spawn in the city are just sitting out in open courtyards.
Al Basrah was clearly made in an era when they couldn't afford to make a more urbanized map because it would lag like hell in the hardware people had back then. But now we have maps such as Zakho, which is the same size as Al Basrah, but with a significantly bigger city.