ZBL-08 - Can't request kits
Posted: 2024-08-04 17:46
Game version: [v1.8.4]
Map, gamemode, layer: Any map with chinese forces which have ZBL-08 APC/IFV
Server name: Any server
Description: You can't pick any kit from ZBL-08 apc/ifv, it just shows you no vehicles around message. I've tried to walk around and request kit from every side, but it just doesn't work.
Steps to reproduce: -
Screenshots / Video: -
Map, gamemode, layer: Any map with chinese forces which have ZBL-08 APC/IFV
Server name: Any server
Description: You can't pick any kit from ZBL-08 apc/ifv, it just shows you no vehicles around message. I've tried to walk around and request kit from every side, but it just doesn't work.
Steps to reproduce: -
Screenshots / Video: -