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Often overlooked aspect of PR - single player

Posted: 2009-05-08 21:05
I noticed how overlooked the single player aspect of PR is, being recently in place with no internet connection and having my laptop to play games I loaded PRSP on it and was having lots of fun playing, its almost good as multiplayer plus modding it is heck of a fun!
Here are some screens I took while playing around with my modded SP.

Give it a try - you'll like it! ... nload.html

Index of modding your PRSP ... pr_sp.html

Posted: 2009-05-08 21:59
by Hans Martin Slayer
nice stuff! :-)

Posted: 2009-05-10 03:03
by charliegrs
its cool to see the new israeli force models. you guys must be pretty far ahead if you are actually using them in game.

Posted: 2009-05-10 03:43
by Robbi
Nice ZZEZ.... Good to see PRSP being used to its full potential

Posted: 2009-05-10 14:45
by Maxfragg
actually all the israeli stuff is not made by pr but its the old Rising Conflicts stuff

Posted: 2009-05-13 07:57
Maxfragg actually we replaced all RC's content with ours @ BBS mods content, including new Hebrew voices, the only exception is the F16I that is RC.

Posted: 2009-05-23 00:32
by dracflamloc
yea i love the prsp. helps me practice so i dont make a fool of myself online too =)