Undies' Stuff 2

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Undies' Stuff 2

Post by Undies »

Me the Tank Driver

Nothing to do with PR this time either, so i thought i would talk about when i joined the army, and some of my early army career, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i will enjoy writing it, and it may even be useful to somebody else who may join the army.

I first joined the army in 1998 aged 24, pretty old to be joining the army at the time, but i spent long hours running up and down hills making sure i was fit enough. I completed my Basic Training at the Army Training Regiment (ATR) in Winchester http://www.army.mod.uk/training_educati ... /7409.aspx
which at the time was about 12 weeks if i remember correctly. It was hard work but good fun and i made a few friends their which i still keep contact with even today.

Once i had finished there i went on to the Armour Centre (ARMCEN) in Bovington http://www.army.mod.uk/armoured/12903.aspx?rating=1 where i trained as a Challenegr 1 driver.

Here is a pic of me and a pal taken in front of our training vehicle in 1998.


Me at My Regiment

I arrived at my Regiment (KRH) in the latter half of 1998 when they were based in Munster, Germany. We formed part of what wasleft of the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) and were part of the lead armoured battlegroup, which meant if a ground war kicked off in Europe we were expected to roll out the back gate armed to the teeth with 30 mins from getting the call.

Me and the same pal, in Germany, tail end of 1998 on a pre-deployment exercise.


Whilst in Germany i managed to get in an operational tour of Bosnia, bizarrely i had the choice of Bosnia or Kosovo, as my wife was expecting our 2nd child. I chose Bosnia, as we left 4 weeks later and i could be there for the birth, which happed just before i left in a hosptal in Osnabruck. I had a fantastic time in Bosnia, and managed to work with the Canadians for a few weeks in Camp MapleLeaf and also with some Bulgarians. It was very multinational and there were guys from all over the place.

A very young and skinny me in Bosnia, with some American lads we worked with for a few weeks.


This pic is a photo of a few of my friends in Bosnia, including a very young looking Joey Deacs from these very forums, on the right hand side.


I also managed a big exercise in Poland, which was emotional, and a few big ones in Germany, before we moved as a Regiment back to England in 2000.

I will dig out a few photos for the next bit too, which is basically me becoming a gunner for a Chieftan and Challenger 1, and a CVRT driver, which is great fun to drive.
"The cavalry bring a bit of panache and flair to an otherwise dull affair"
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Post by Rhino »

nice undies, good read, always interesting to hear about soldiers careers in the armed forces :)
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Post by Wilkinson »

Cool stuff man. Seems like a fun life
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Post by Cpl.Small »

Yer sounds cool, get some more pics up :P
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Post by Z-trooper »

good read mate :) and some nice pics too
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