After Action Report
Event Date & Time:
Wednesday August 8th 2009, 2330-0030 EST
Game & Server Info:
Project Reality v0.86 @ Tactical Gamer server
Fools Road
Chechen Rebels
Squad 1 (WAC MAT):
fuzzhead - Driver 1
SilverJohn - Driver 2
Briznead - Gunner 1
Wookie - Gunner 2
Later on in the mission:
Squad 1 (WAC INF):
fuzzhead - Officer
SilverJohn - Auto Rifleman
Briznead - Rifleman
Wookie - Medic
Squad 5 (BRDM 2):
Sandiford - Driver 1
Lokka - Gunner 1
NorthPlum - Logistics
Ground Vehicle Support:
2 x BRDM Spandrel
2 x BRDM
What Happened:
We started as a BRDM Spandrel squad, to take out hostile armor. Sandiford had a BRDM and was
escorting us in a BRDM. We drove east to cover the eastern pass
No armor came so we moved on to overwatch the next objective area.
We moved onto a ridge over looking the next objective, and Sandiford started engaging some infantry there, and we heard some armor movements but it was out of range. There was some FAIL driving by SilverJohn, but admittedly it was not the best choice to bring these highly sensitive vehicles up a big mountain, but to my credit I WAS following Sandiford's lead
We took alot of damage coming down off the ridge and nearly exploded but SilverJohn managed to get us upright with his new BRDM that NorthPlum kindly lended our squad. This is when we realized what a clusterfck the rest of our team was. They were all holed up at Estate with no means to attack, and had basically built their own grave. All logistics trucks and technicals were abandoned haphazardly around the map. The nearest logistics to us was at Estate but it was trapped inside because the ones who built the defenses didnt think about if the rest of the team might have needed it So we waited a long time for our repairs to arrive while the enemy gained ground.
We finally got repaired and headed to the east end of the map again to go hunter-killer on the tanks. We got near the eastern checkpoint but our team had blockaded it quite extensively, but just as we got there APC contacts were called in and were circling the Estate. We made our way towards contact and succesfully destroyed both APC. Sadly I didnt record that Shortly After destroying the 2 APC's another APC was hidden in woods and succesfully destroyed both our BRDM's. Was definitely my fault for being a bit too reckless driving through an open area, sadly I dont have video of that either.
After this I was getting a bit frustrated with lack of comms from rest of team so decided it was easier just to go as an Infantry squad. Sandiford took over the Spandrels and I formed an infantry squad with the following:
Squad 1 (WAC INF):
fuzzhead - Officer
SilverJohn - Auto Rifleman
Briznead - Rifleman
Wookie - Medic
Our team (predictably) lost the Estate and now our Main Base was being over run. My squad tried desperately to fend off the attackers, coordinating with Techmaster's infantry squad to try to clear out the hostiles.
After getting roughed up at the Chechen Fortress, we used the momentary lull after the artillery to flank north and try to find the enemy Rallypoints or FO that the enemy was pouring out of, here is the video of what followed on that flanking attempt:
After getting whopped on that hill we decided to do something more humble and simply clear out a sniper that was firing on our troops at the Chechen Fortress. He was a sneaky one, we killed him but we didnt know it right away. Big "dumb dumb" points for myself for being the first in a patrol line and looking BEHIND me... got to learn to stop doing that so much when Im close to enemy contact, I was checking to see if the rest of my squad was following as they were lagging behind often, usually only SilverJohn was in formation with everyone else kind of trailing waaay behind. Not sure if it was my fault for not dealing with them properly or if they were just not paying much attention.
After killing the sniper, we found a much better overwatch position for the advancing Russian Forces, and we decided to make a hasty ambush. Commander had mortars avaliable and I had a good opportunity to use them. I ended up getting hit like a dumbass cause I wanted to get some nice footage of the mortars slaying bodies :/
After the Mortar strike, we quickly crossed the road and headed into the area where we expected the enemy RP's and FO's to be:
The round ended 5-10 minutes after this, Chechens lost I think Russia had about 100 tickets left, I forgot to snap an end game photo, Ill try to do this next time.
Player Recommendations:
SilverJohn: Auto Rifleman. Had to be on the phone multiple times but was always sticking close and following orders, did a great job on the PKM surpressing targets. You dont notice in the video but all targets we were engaging had scopes, while poor SilverJohn had only ironsites on his PKM. He did a great job all things considered. And dont worry about flipping the car lol I did as well
Sandiford: Spandrel Commander. A pleasure as always, excellent support role in the Spandrel, he picked up our slack and accomplished what my squad failed to do, good job!
MixOlydian: Commander. Great job on commanding, pleasure to have a good commander that listens and responds very quickly. He seemed to be getting disconnected constantly but always joined back, would play under him again in a heartbeat, its always more fun to have a Commander, and him stepping up IMO was the only reason our team did not lose ALL our objectives.