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PRSPY Update - L10n and PR Launcher

Posted: 2009-10-27 02:34
by GeZe

Hi folks - an update on PRSPY (previous post)

Things have been progressing nicely. Many small changes have been done - including increasing the speed considerably.

There are two major updates. First PRSPY is now available in 19 languages (yes, including 1337), thanks to the translation efforts of the community.

Second, the more major change, I have created a program, PR Launcher, which when installed allows you to start PR and go directly to the server you want from PRSPY. Just shift or alt click on a server name and PR starts up and goes to that server.

As well, PR Launcher isn't limited to just PRSPY - it allows you to open any server in PR with just a link. The format is:
So for instance, a clan could post a link that opens their server on their website - or you could post a link to your favorite server in your signiture.

Bonus pic - the updated manage buddies screen (random buddies)

Posted: 2009-10-27 03:29
by 503
Sweet. Nice work

Though, now I know why my buddy list got deleted.

Posted: 2009-10-27 04:01
by McBumLuv
Nice work there GeZe :p

Posted: 2009-10-27 09:38
by Gore
Very practical.

Posted: 2009-10-27 09:54
by Nebsif
Its my homepage now :P

Posted: 2009-10-27 11:06
by Gosu-Rizzle
Sounds good! And lol @ leet :P

Posted: 2009-10-27 14:47
by HunterMed
that's really amazing!

Posted: 2009-10-27 15:03
by AnRK
Probably a pain in the arse idea, but is there any way of making it so you have an option to join the correct mumble channel according to the server you join if you wanted?

Posted: 2009-10-27 16:16
by =Romagnolo=
a PR launcher ? Awesome ! It needs to add mumble too :P

Posted: 2009-10-27 17:54
by LuQeRo
Nice update! ;) But..

In Polish translation there is funny error in line : "Nie masz żadnych znajomych, a huj" <- last word means '****' ;D
PR Launcher doesn't work for me on Windows XP SP3 x32 ;/ There is a way to run it ?

Posted: 2009-10-27 20:00
by ma21212
will it be in arabic

Posted: 2009-10-28 00:39
by GeZe
For anyone who downloaded the PR Launcher - I updated the exe file so that it uses the same .net as pr.exe and will support passworded servers. Please update.

Translate it into Arabic here: ... guage.html

Posted: 2009-10-29 06:00
by theflidgeface
is there seriously a translation for 1337? haha xD

Posted: 2009-12-07 03:22
by Mantak08
suggestion for PRSPY: would it be possible for the DEVs to write PRSPY show you the map list along with the server statues (players, score, etc)?

Posted: 2010-02-17 21:40
by KeksTerror
Geze, you're Ninja :razz:
