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[PRSP/ CO-OP] Kashan Desert: new version
Posted: 2010-08-14 20:04
by Hans Martin Slayer
Some GPO changes i made to avoid any confusion regarding PR multiplayer vehicles/ assets and AI stuff. Yes
we do read the suggestions forums.
This means:
- Human-only spawn points - and MP vehicles at
both main bases, bots won't 'steal' any assets.
- The bots and their toys spawn outside the main bases, that includes all air assets.
- Spawn times are pretty low compared to multiplayer, but not too low. There's always stuff up and ready for use.
So this should bring Kashan closer to the idea of a training ground.
Posted: 2010-08-14 21:10
by Spartan0189

Posted: 2010-08-14 21:13
by Arnoldio
Doesnt help much of us if you just listen to the COOP suggestions ^^
Posted: 2010-08-14 21:13
by GeorgRavioli
Sounds great. Humans rule.
Posted: 2010-08-14 21:30
by PatrickLA_CA
Yeah, finally the human kind gets some respect XD LOL
Posted: 2010-08-14 22:16
by Outlawz7
ChizNizzle;bt4689 wrote:Doesnt help much of us if you just listen to the COOP suggestions ^^
Considering Hans is a PRSP dev, taking on multiplayer issues isn't much use to him either.
Posted: 2010-08-14 22:19
by -|Tactic|-Japsen
good news

Posted: 2010-08-15 01:50
by Jarryd_455495
Quick Q: will the bots still get jets and bomb the helll out of us?
Otherwise good job!
Posted: 2010-08-15 07:26
by Snazz
This is an improvement but the reason I dislike Kashan COOP currently is that the bots have jets, which constantly bomb you and ridiculously outmaneuver you in dogfights. I like bots when they're moving target practice, not when they're raping you from above.
The bots use flares well so it's difficult to shoot them down before they bomb you, if you do shoot one jet down another one quickly comes along with a fresh load of bombs when you're out of missiles.
Besides, training mode could of easily been improved. For instance taking away Opfor's assets so there's less incentive for players to fight instead of train.
Posted: 2010-08-15 10:40
by GeorgRavioli
Snazz;bt4697 wrote:This is an improvement but the reason I dislike Kashan COOP currently is that the bots have jets, which constantly bomb you and ridiculously outmaneuver you in dogfights. I like bots when they're moving target practice, not when they're raping you from above.
The bots use flares well so it's difficult to shoot them down before they bomb you, if you do shoot one jet down another one quickly comes along with a fresh load of bombs when you're out of missiles.
Besides, training mode could of easily been improved. For instance taking away Opfor's assets so there's less incentive for players to fight instead of train.
The bots will still have jets and stuff, they just will have all of them outside of the human bases. I usually just ride around in a tank and shoot down helis anyways so its fine with me

Posted: 2010-08-15 10:50
by Moonlight
Great to hear that, but I agree with Snazz, training could've been improved instead of being thrown away. People tend to treat Co-op as a bot annihilation mode, not training; as before some asshats treated training as a base-rape mode. ;]
Posted: 2010-08-15 10:56
by Snazz
CommunistColby71;bt4698 wrote:I usually just ride around in a tank and shoot down helis anyways so its fine with me

This is what happens when I drive a vehicle anywhere near the bunkers:

(Image courtesy of dtacs.)
Posted: 2010-08-15 17:05
by killacure2
Just to clarify, does this mean that the planes/helis spawning in the human spawn will be the standard multiplayer version, as opposed to the "dumbed down" bot version?
Posted: 2010-08-15 21:21
by NuclearBanane
Next we need to teach those kid not to use the SP versions.
It annoying to fly the MP just to get out turned by some one using the SP one
Posted: 2010-08-17 10:39
by Army Musician
How about a second runway?
Posted: 2010-08-17 10:45
by Hans Martin Slayer
Just to clarify, does this mean that the planes/helis spawning in the human spawn will be the standard multiplayer version, as opposed to the "dumbed down" bot version?
Exactly that.
Posted: 2010-08-23 00:49
by drs79
*Automatic CTD for those who feel the need to show their uber cool prowess on CO-OP servers by baseraping.
Posted: 2010-08-23 11:59
by Psyko
cant wait for when you figure out how to make bot pilots drop goodies at my lasers
Posted: 2010-09-16 18:49
by Army Musician
Would it be possible to do a British version of the map as well for SP only?