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A year in the SP bidnezz

Posted: 2010-08-31 14:54
by Outlawz7
As of 5 minutes ago I finally finished another map setup for PRSP and sent it into the oven where it will bake at 50% CPU usage over the next few days. :goodvibes

The setup was painstaking and I forgot when I last shut down my PC, a bunch of tests, making dummy statics to replace troubled objects and imports and crashing went on literally 24/7 the past week and I'm glad it's over, though I may be speaking too soon. I find anything that I work on likes to prove me wrong at least once during production.:tired:

This latest adventure and the fact I've been bumped to developer earlier this month (and also the fact that I don't have my own dev blog yet made me fell inadequate) got me slightly nostalgic, so I went back and found this from July last year.


Yeah, that's my first SP supported map, Battle for Qinling.
That same layout is still in PR a year later which sounds cute, but I'd like to ruin the moment by telling you all that a full-sized SP support for the map was made and existed, but shipped itself with a load of issues that I had no experience with at the time and therefore it was never finished.

However not too long after that the 0.9 development cycle brought in new maps to deflower and I built up loads of experience with them and I laugh at myself now when I read the old Qinling development thread and see all the issues that frustrated me to no end, but can now solve them for laughs before moving onto more serious stuff. 8-)

I'll you leave with this screenshot of my work folder, I deleted maybe only one or two map directories ever since I started and a nice little family of 19 maps I created or finished off for someone else gathered there, though I must add in that almost all PR maps were done at least twice, as I said at start; anything that I work on likes to prove me wrong at least once during production.


P.S. One of these is the one I'm working on right now, whoever guesses it gets a cookie. ;)

Posted: 2010-08-31 15:28
by Farks
Fake and gay.

Posted: 2010-08-31 15:47
by Smegburt_funkledink
You might now have your special little Dev blog but you're still our little [R-Nub] :p

You're very devicated, GJ chap.

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:00
by Spyker2041
My map "operation spark" is in there wooooo!! Gratz on a year of awesome work Outlawz!

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:06
by Sgt.BountyOrig
F...F...Full Sized Qinling S...S...SinglePlayer?

And your working on CP_Abadan ;)

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:06
by dtacs
CP Abadan for the PSC?

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:14
by Elektro

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:20
by Dougalachi
op_ocean? I don't keep track of SP developments very closely.

Posted: 2010-08-31 16:53
by BloodBane611
Looking cool Outlawz

It's definitely not CP Abadan for the PSC, I think I'd know about it ;)

Posted: 2010-08-31 17:10
by PatrickLA_CA
Fallujah?Coop, my favourite coop map

Posted: 2010-08-31 17:31
by usmcguy
fallujah? now that would be awesome..

Posted: 2010-08-31 18:10
by 3===SPECTER===3
Are those all for PR? If so thats very good, because I was sad to see a decrease in maps when .9 came out

Posted: 2010-08-31 18:59
by Tim270
Ohh I hope CP_Abadan comes back!

Posted: 2010-08-31 21:15
by Outlawz7
Nobody guessed the right one yet, but a hint: it is one of the official PR maps.
3===SPECTER===3;bt5007 wrote:Are those all for PR?
Forgot to clarify, not all of those are for PR, as Spyker pointed out op_spark is actually one of his maps&navmeshes, I just fixed and finished it for him.

Four of those are are navmeshes for my custom vBF2 maps and a full sized mesh for one of the vBF2 maps:

Ghost Town For Bf2 - Official BF Editor Forums

Warlord Aftermath - Official BF Editor Forums

Great Wall 64P Sp - Official BF Editor Forums

Candy Bay - Official BF Editor Forums

[map]operation Ocean - Official BF Editor Forums

Posted: 2010-08-31 21:44
by usmcguy
karbala or silent eagle?

Posted: 2010-09-01 01:23
by theflidgeface
lookin good, and i say cp_abadan

Posted: 2010-09-01 01:36
by HughJass
thumbs up for "bidnezz"

Posted: 2010-09-01 06:10
by Ekalb
SP support for Beiruit?

Would be awesome, don't think I've ever had a proper game on it

Posted: 2010-09-01 09:08
by BroCop
its Gaza or Vacant

Posted: 2010-09-01 11:54
by usmcguy
will fallujah,karbala and helmand be navmeshed?