For anyone interested you can also see the blog for the v0.91 GPO changes to muttrah here: Muttrah City (v2) v0.91 GPO Update - Project Reality Forums
Control Point Setup
After reading some feedback of v0.91's flag setup for Muttrah I decided to split the city centre flag back into west and east city centre flags. The difference is now from v0.90 and before that these two flags are now on separate supply groups, meaning that both flags can not be captured at the same time so if your on the USMC team, you need to capture west city centre before you can capture east city centre

Other than that I've move the docks flag slightly more towards the US side to give them a little more of a chance and the same with the North city flag moving that north a little.

USMC Setup
For the USMC I haven't done a lot. All I've really done is swap the old, unrealistic LAV-25s out with the new AAVP7A1 Amphibious Assault Vehicle, specially designed for this type of scenario. Armed with a Mk19, 40mm Automatic Grenade Launch and a .50cal HMG and with some pretty heavy armour, this slow heavy beast can really deliver a deadly punch.
I've also moved the Attack Huey spawn off the Cobra spawn location so that if the attack huey wasn't used, the cobra wouldn't destroy it when it spawned.
What USMC start with:

And What respawns/spawns later for USMC (+ the APCs, Logistics Truck and Boats):

Code: Select all
USMC (USS Essex)
1x CO JDAM (delay)
1x Attack Huey (no respawn)
1x Attack Cobra (delay)
2x AAVP7A1
2x Transport Huey
2x Transport Huey (no respawn)
2x RHIBs (max of 5 to spawn on each spawn point, total of 10)
USMC (Docks)
1x Logi Truck (delay)
MEC Setup
For the MEC with the inclusion of the MT-LBs for both the Russian and MEC forces I thought I should include a few to spice things up. They may not have as much armour as the BTR-60 but the 30mm one packs a more powerful blow and the HMG and MG ones both are also very useful for transport and infantry support while I'm hoping down to there lower calibre weapons they wont be used so much as light tanks where instead, the 30mm MT-LB and the BTR-60 will be used more for hunting down the AAV7s, other than hoping they will also support the infantry more since they dont really want to get into a head to head fight with an AAV7 still. Other than replacing some BTR-60s with MT-LBs, I've replaced the BRMD-2 with cannon with an MT-LB and removed the un-armed BRMD-2 to stop it ramming into choppers at the start of the round which was turning into something of a habit for some players

What the MEC start off with (none of which respawns):

What spawns for MEC strait after South City is captured:

What respawns and what has a spawn delay after South City is captured:

Code: Select all
MEC Fort (main base)
4x CO artillery (delay)
4x Transport Trucks (no respawn)
South City (at first flag captureable by MEC)
2x Logi Trucks
1x UAZ Support Jeep (no respawn)
1x MT-LB (no respawn)
1x MT-LB 30mm (delay)
2x BTR-60 (delay))

In all I believe this setup will be pretty much like the v0.91 in terms of balance and gameplay but with the new vehicles and new setup I believe it will just have that extra sugar coating on top of the last one with getting out thous little annoying things and improving on what was already good.
Cheers and hope you enjoy the new setup!!