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When Project Reality goes REAL...
Posted: 2010-11-01 11:26
by bosco_
... this is what it turns out like
Done by
Ironcomatose and some of his fellow Marines.
Big respect to you guys!
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:12
by Rhino
LMAO! A little out dated since we now have the lowered weapon animations and no more knifing of RPs but still funny as hell
Nice work Marines!
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:12
by Smegburt_funkledink
I lol'd fo' realz.
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:17
by Brainlaag
I pissed my self during the first video xD Damn awesome !
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:20
by =Romagnolo=
"In Soviet PR, the reality strikes you!"
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:44
by ZephyrDark
I love the medic in the first video. I have a feeling its what many medics want to do sometimes when people constantly get shot >.<
Also, in the second one, did the guy "disconnect" or something? Did he "suicide" or did he "get shot"? Is a tad confusing on what they were trying to simulate there.
Hmm.. there needs to be a series of these.. haha
Posted: 2010-11-01 12:47
by Web_cole
Lav it, freakin' awesome
Posted: 2010-11-01 13:04
by kaufman_23
2nd video CTD?
Posted: 2010-11-01 13:22
by John-117
That was f*cking awesome.
Posted: 2010-11-01 13:37
by Nimble
Fuckin' A, hilarious. Made Monday a bit more bearable!
Posted: 2010-11-01 14:08
by marcoelnk
HAHAHAHA !!! Nice !
Posted: 2010-11-01 14:28
by =(DK)=stoffen_tacticalsup
Did not see that one coming, awesome!
Posted: 2010-11-01 17:13
by TheAssProtectors.Nr1
Hahahahah. What a great idea!
Posted: 2010-11-01 17:20
by 13DarkWolf
Fantastic! Flippin hilarious guys and so realistic
Posted: 2010-11-01 17:26
by Corro
re: vehicle spawn. I was waiting for one of them to start jumping in place but the CTD/suicide put me over the top. Nicely done!
Posted: 2010-11-01 18:21
by Vision_16
I actually lol'd. Great work.
Posted: 2010-11-01 18:28
by Psyko
that cheered me up guys, thank you
Posted: 2010-11-01 19:06
by HangMan_
you guys are legends! This is awesome
Posted: 2010-11-01 19:11
by Claymore
Great videos, thanks for posting ;-D
Posted: 2010-11-01 19:12
by ][nvert
one of the funniest things ive seen in a while