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Return of the signs
Posted: 2012-05-25 21:06
by Outlawz7
Posted: 2012-05-25 22:07
by Stealth Clobber
Wow, cool!
Posted: 2012-05-25 22:15
by nater
Nice touch.
Posted: 2012-05-25 22:43
by Wakain
check your arabic on the middle (white) sign, it's all written from left to right, instead of the more conventional (for Arabs that is) right to left.
The same with the green (karbala) sign btw...
pretty incredible that one would do one (the blue one on the left) of the three in the correct fashion but screw up the others

Posted: 2012-05-26 00:47
by Redamare
woot now i know where im going when im in game

Posted: 2012-05-26 02:35
by sharpie
Are there more?
Posted: 2012-05-26 06:47
by Outlawz7
Wakain;bt7246 wrote:check your arabic on the middle (white) sign, it's all written from left to right, instead of the more conventional (for Arabs that is) right to left.
I didn't do the signs, they were there when map was released in 0.85, but the file that loads them was lost in later releases. But I will try to fix.
Posted: 2012-05-26 07:03
by Arab
'Husayn' is spelled wrong. There's many ways to spell it, but you forgot the i in Husayin.
Or Hussein, Husein, Husain, Hussain, Husayin, Hussayin, Huseyin, Husseyin, Huseyn, Hossain, Hossein, or Husseyn. Very Nit-picky.
Posted: 2012-05-26 07:41
by ryan d ale
Yes, the Arabic is VERY WRONG.
Karbala sign reads - a'albark
Posted: 2012-05-26 10:30
by LITOralis.nMd
The only kit more dangerous to enemy armor than the combat engineer kit is the civil engineer kit!!
I presume these signs are indestructible pillars of Allah which cause enemy vehicles to blow up upon contact?
Posted: 2012-05-26 11:38
by Ome99
Wakain;bt7246 wrote:check your arabic on the middle (white) sign, it's all written from left to right, instead of the more conventional (for Arabs that is) right to left.
The same with the green (karbala) sign btw...
pretty incredible that one would do one (the blue one on the left) of the three in the correct fashion but screw up the others

Not only that, the letters aren't even joined, In Arabic, depending on the letters, they should join in every word.
Posted: 2012-05-26 12:56
by Nebsif
and i was hoping u'd finally remove this map in the next patch..
Posted: 2012-05-26 13:19
by Gosu-Rizzle
Nebsif;bt7254 wrote:and i was hoping u'd finally remove this map in the next patch..
I think there is more to this blog than you realise

Im pretty sure Outlawz7 is trying to tell us that we'll soon get a much needed Karbala v2.0.
Posted: 2012-05-26 15:30
by Bob of Mage
Gosu-Rizzle;bt7255 wrote:I think there is more to this blog than you realise

Im pretty sure Outlawz7 is trying to tell us that we'll soon get a much needed Karbala v2.0.
Don't forget it could also be a hint that 1.0 draw near and with it the end times.
Posted: 2012-05-26 16:16
by Kain888
Nebsif;bt7254 wrote:and i was hoping u'd finally remove this map in the next patch..
When I open Outlawz blogs I'm always hoping for Wanda Shan.

Posted: 2012-05-26 20:12
by Wakain
Ome99;bt7253 wrote:Not only that, the letters aren't even joined, In Arabic, depending on the letters, they should join in every word.
yup, this happens when arabic is written from left to right, but try to explain this to non-arabic speakers.
@Outlawz: no sweat, I've seen this happen a lot of times, ranging from the website of USI to citations in dissertations by respected scientists (in respected media). I'm glad you posted this so we could tackle it before it was ingame, it'd be horrible to have to direct someone to errors on a static like this

Posted: 2012-05-27 09:42
by Sgt.BountyOrig
Posted: 2012-05-28 04:59
by mr.hanky
I can't believe what I see, that has to be some of the worst Arabic I have ever read. Google translate does a better job, as a Palestinian I'm disgusted!!
Posted: 2012-05-28 11:34
by Nebsif
Oh you conspiracy fanbois.. im too old for that.
"It says Shrine of hubbabubba on the sign so it could mean they modeled a completely new, enterable mosque for the map!"
Posted: 2012-05-30 07:21
by Professorson
does it mean the apache is coming back to kabarla ?