After optimizing and reworking [R-DEV]Stigger's UB-32-57 Rocket Pod for some upcoming aircraft Jafar is working on, I thought it was only fitting to shove it on the back of a Technical, Libyan Rebel style!
But don't let its crude bit of DIY engineering fool you! Holding 32 rounds of 57mm S-5 Rockets a pop, it can be used as both a short range artillery unit, or for direct engagements of enemy positions making this something that shouldn't be messed with lightly
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:11
by Chuc
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:14
by SprintJack
So awesome!
Any specs on the minimal range of this?
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:18
by Rhino
SprintJack;bt8450 wrote:Any specs on the minimal range of this?
Nope, I haven't worked it out or tested it myself yet
But if you want the code, it (currently, all this is subject to change) has a +30deg max elevation, fires the rocket at 75 velocity and the rocket has a mass of 10, with a drag of 0.03, but this is all very likley to change, its just the base numbers I've got right now
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:20
by Zyco187
O M G thats not real, is it :/
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:26
by Beer.114
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:27
by AnimalMother.
This is going to be so hilarious!
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:28
by VapoMan
Posted: 2013-05-19 07:30
by richyrich55
This is the kind of shit that would make even the devil go, "DUDE..."
Ahahahaha..! Good one mate, had to be done I suppose!
Posted: 2013-05-19 08:56
by Sgt.Ayllon
0:50 seconds
Posted: 2013-05-19 09:14
by [F|H]Zackyx
i Was dreaming about it ! You made it Nice job !!!
Can you give more details on the range ? aiming system ? degres of freedom of the luncher ? max min elevation ?
Posted: 2013-05-19 09:27
by Rhino
[F|H]Zackyx;bt8466 wrote:i Was dreaming about it ! You made it Nice job !!!
Can you give more details on the range ? aiming system ? degres of freedom of the luncher ? max min elevation ?
Check my replies earlier in this topic
As for the aiming system, its rather crude, like the design, with just W and S for controlling the weapons "pitch" without any indicator of what degrees its at, other than visual by looking at it, or by where the rockets are firing