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PR:BF2 Gameplay Videos Part 14

Posted: 2014-03-18 08:06
by dbzao
Welcome to another set of Project Reality BF2 gameplay videos!

YouTube - dbzao's channel


Saaremaa - Forest Forest Forest (17:36)
Doing what we always do on this map: shoot things in the forest.


Kashan Desert - US Army Motorised Infantry (10:25)
Engaging enemy vehicles and infantry with humvees.


Jabal Al Burj - Airmobile Infantry Assault (12:56)
Five helicopters and three squads get inserted into the city for the final push.
Spriggan's point of view


Shijia Valley - PLA Mechanized Infantry (16:26)
Engaging enemy armor and infantry with support from 2 APCs.
Watch this same video with alternative camera angles


Saaremaa - Forest Clearing (05:49)
Infantry fighting in the forests of Saaremaa.


Shijia Valley - PLA AA APC (02:07)
Two short clips of some nice looking anti-air attacks.


Black Gold - Russian Push (13:14)
Advancing one flag at a time to the full cap.


Op. Marlin - French Infantry Squad (16:36)
Engaging enemy insurgents and destroying weapons caches.


Kozelsk - Defending the Bridge (08:27)
Holding the bridge up to the last bullet.


Khamisiyah - US Mechanized Infantry 2 Squads (16:25)
Two mechanized infantry squads with Bradleys supporting. Engaging enemy infantry and armor. Getting under sniper and mortar fire. Assaulting enemy positions.


Op. Marlin - Assault on Harbor (07:41)
Mechanized Infantry with BMP2 support.


Dovre - Nighttime Truck "Ambush" (00:50)


If you want to know how I make these videos, check this blog post and hopefully you will get motivated to record your own. Feel free to check out my other PR videos, all the way back from v0.32! :D

Posted: 2014-03-18 12:38
Best Gameplay Videos

Posted: 2014-03-18 13:06
by mockingbird0901
PIRAJU;bt9852 wrote:Best Gameplay Videos
Just about covers it.

Posted: 2014-03-18 17:25
by Dude_Nukem
Always great to see youre vids in the youtube feed db! Keep it going.

It will be much of a benefit if people are going to record PR, it will help the community grow! :)

Posted: 2014-03-18 20:37
OH YEAH!! i was one of the guys flying the heli's on jabal HOORAH!! MERICA

Posted: 2014-03-20 07:20
by DavidL.Roth
Why I have to click that More... tab to get to see these dev blogs?
Why not show it straight away?
I really can't come up with any logical reason for this.

Posted: 2022-10-26 07:46
by Kevinun
Great bloxorz for all to try

Posted: 2023-03-14 02:06
by fsafw
LOL I'll try and finish all of this during with hurdle the holidays