I'm not going to go into too many details about them all right now as much of it is still WIP and this blog is more a fun little game for you all to try and work out what all these rounds are and what they might do so have fun guys!
(Click To Enlarge)[/CENTER]
I'm looking for both the correct name and type of warhead and once someone has guesses the correct name and warhead type for a particular one I'll update this list in the OP with the correct name of the correct guessed warhead
Note 1: I have blurred out some of the text names on the warheads you could see but ingame you will be able to read the names of the warheads with them printed on the side
Note 2: Some of these rounds you may not see straight away in the next release as they will be integrated in over time with other changes to the core gameplay, however most of them will be seen in the next PR release.
Note 3: PR Team members are not allowed to participate or help the community out since they all pretty much know what each one is
Correct Guesses so far:
- PG-7V - HEAT Round
- PG-7VM - HEAT Round
- PG-7M - HEAT Round
- PG-7VS - HEAT Round
- PG-7VL - HEAT Round
- Cobrra - HEAT Round
- Iranian Tandem HEAT Round
- PG-7MT - Tandem HEAT Round
- PG-7VR - Tandem HEAT Round
- KO-7M - HEDP Round
- OG-7VM - Fragmentation Round
- OG-7V - Fragmentation Round
- F-7 - Fragmentation Round
- DZGI-40 - Airburst Fragmentation Round
- TBG-7V - Thermobaric Round
Cheers guys and have fun, + as always who ever guesses the most gets a special e-cookie!