Working Smoke Grenades against bots
Posted: 2018-09-23 02:55
Update 10/11/19: Due to a series of misunderstandings and lack of communication to the original author, this feature has been falsely credited under ArmourRus. The real creator of this feature is MaxPV1981 (MaxP). Apologies to MaxPV1981 for any trouble caused. -[R-DEV]Arab
Hello all!
Today I'm proud to announce that smoke grenades will finally make a come back in COOP!
The reason why they were taken out is because they never worked against bots. They were able to see through them, making cover useless. This has been a problem in Battlefield 2 since it's release, and therefore many servers opted to prohibit using smoke grenades against bots.
...Until now.
So I am pleased to say that all smoke grenades will now properly against bots!
So some history. Originally, the first attempt to make it work was by SatNav in the BF2SP Community, a talented veteran BF2 modder who has contributed a lot of knowledge and helped many out in modding the BF2 Engine and modding in general. The concept was to spawn a particle of a invisible sphere Collision Mesh whenever the weapon fired but it only worked in local/offline, not in an online environment.
Modders have been trying to make this work in an MP modding to no avail, until a modder called MaxPV1981 managed to achieve this seemingly impossible feat!
Special Thanks and Credits to MaxPV1981, the original author who manage to make this work online and refined the system further who is the developer behind AIX2 Reality BF2 COOP Mod. He is the author behind the system below, and small tweaks have been made by me for PR COOP's gameplay.
How it works:
The smoke grenades spawn an invisible sphere collision mesh which is created as a Projectile to be used against bots. Using the napalm system (GLU-1) to create a spawner, it spawns an invisible Player Controlled Object whenever the Smoke Grenade projectile is fired!
Smoke Grenades and UGL SP versions are created to use each spawners with varied delays and only for _sp kits/factions. This is to ensure that it remains in the COOP gamemode only.
How to use:
For Smoke Grenades: A 15 second delay when the projectile lands. Simply wait for the smoke effect to completely fill at its peak before moving.
For UGL's: A 1 second delay when the projectile lands.
It is also included for the new ninja _sp kits so admins can freely use it against bots!
These apply for all smoke grenades including Underbarrel Grenade Launchers but not Signal Grenades.
The same system will hopefully be incorporated for Vehicle Smoke Launchers too (If it works), allowing smokescreens to work against bots too.
This feature will make gameplay more immersive and realistic, allowing teammates to make revives safely, provide cover or as a distraction.
Expect this feature to ship out with the v1.6 update when it's released!
See you on the battlefield!