Today, part of a new feature for PR v1.7.5 will be about Extended Commander Icons.
Creator and Coder: Bahiakof
Implemented with edits by: [R-DEV]Arab
The Commander GUI needed much love as it hasn't been updated for a long time.
One of the modders from the community, Bahiakof created a concept to allow more icons in the Commander Menu.
Original Thread: ... p?t=144203
This update will remove the build, observe and demolish squad orders and replaces it with static, map placed markers.
The new icons that will show are:
- Build FOB (Forward Outpost Base)
- Build Mortar
- Build Minefield
- Squad 1 - 9 icons, to assign objectives.
- Request Demolitions
- Request Recon
- Request Sniper
- Spotted Saboteur
- Spotted Friendly and Enemy Supply
- Spotted Friendly Mortar
That'll be all for today. I hope you all have a good day.