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[] Assault on Grozny Crash on load

Posted: 2025-01-28 05:41
by sprint113
Crash on loading Grozny AAS Large while playing on LATAM server. Seems like everyone else had the same problem as the server emptied.

Edit: Also tested on Local Server: AAS Inf, Alt, Std and INS Std and all crash with the same message.

Error message: Texture not found: objects/staticobjects/textures/hafen/hafen_sheet_1_di


Re: [] Assault on Grozny Crash on load

Posted: 2025-01-29 04:52
by Grump/Gump.45
Same as me, same match

Re: [] Assault on Grozny Crash on load

Posted: 2025-01-29 09:13
by Arab
Added and fixed for next update.