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[AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2007-03-31 12:36
by -=TB=-Tobakfromcuba
maybe not the first one, but it was awesome.

out of the airport all the way right into facility where i hunted down this insug veteran with the bold rusty fastriding deadly forklifter, yeah

Posted: 2007-03-31 15:55
by Randleman5102
Lol its great when you in this huge firefight and then all of a sudden you see this forklift coming down the road, and your like what the fuck??

Posted: 2007-03-31 16:54
by Blackhawk 5
Yeah i its funny seeing forklifts in Al basra or muttrah. I once was in the forlift drivinng in muttrah when i was terribly ambushed but managed to lived. I bet the thoughts on the MEC were "WTF"

Posted: 2007-03-31 19:10
by eddie
I like forklifts and bikes :p I always ride the bike through a firefight, trying to do handbrake turns and all :p

Posted: 2007-03-31 19:38
by Expendable Grunt
I can't stand the bikes, the view is weird and angled downwards too much for me, but I love forklifts :)

Posted: 2007-03-31 22:16
by dislexiclawyer
Expendable Grunt wrote:I can't stand the bikes, the view is weird and angled downwards too much for me
I had an experience once on Basrah where I was on the insurgent side and I came across a forklift sitting at North VCP, so I strapped some C4 on it and went for a drive. I ended up taking out an apc with it :smile:

Re: forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-09 21:47
by Mongalswrath
I realize this thread is pretty old. But I would LOVE to see the forklifts and cars added back to Mutrah. They provide great transportation and fitted in amazingly in the docks area.

Re: [AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-11 09:41
by mangeface
I guess I joined PR too late to experience the forklifts. I was reading this going "WTF, forklifts? Oh, this is from 2007."

Re: [AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-11 09:54
by Zrix
The clowncars of Muttrah. No thanks.

Re: [AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-11 13:57
by Raic
Ah, forklift. I never forget the screams of horror while in APC. "Enemy forklift!!"

Oh forklift, we miss you so. RIP.

Re: [AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-12 01:41
by Phantom2
I remember when forklifts were in Muttrah, We'd do drive by's with an M249.

Re: [AAR] forklifted

Posted: 2010-04-16 16:23
by goguapsy
OMG I was so thrilled thinking OMG I'm getting a forklift on Al Basrah for some messing around!

Then I see the post was made in 2007.

Sad face.