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The Project Reality Diaries

Posted: 2007-04-04 09:12
by ThePhotoshop
The Project Reality Diaries now have a website! New videos will now appear at


Hey everyone at Reality Mod.

I'm new here, though I have been reading the forums for quite some time. I'm a BF2 and, more recently, Project Reality enthusiast with a taste for tactical squad leading. As such, I've decided to create a series of movies called the PRMM Diaries that I thought you guys might be interested in.

Many of you may have watched these already as I'm trying to get as much coverage as I can, but for those who haven't, these are essentially rounds of PR that have been FRAPS'ed from my perspective as a Squad Leader, and uploaded to the web. I find them extremely useful for examining my actions as an SL and finding areas that I need to improve on. Also, they're quite entertaining if you like watching a match from a perspective you might not necessarily take.

I'm attempting to make this a weekly thing, and so far I have three separate rounds up called Day 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The link for Part 1 of Day 1 can be found here: . If you want to watch the rest of 'em, just click on More from this User.

I apologise for using YouTube; it has a ten minute time limit on each individual video (hence splitting each Day into multiple parts) and I don't have a dedicate webspace provider to host them. I'm considering using Google Video for future Days if the quality is better. (Also realise it ain't a mini-mod anymore - will change that for future entries).

All rounds were played on the Australian Bigdy server - pretty much the only worthwhile server down here. Hope you enjoy 'em, and hell, maybe even pick up a few neat tricks.

Posted: 2007-04-04 10:38
by Spaz
watched day one, and its really cool, would love to play with you sometime! :) Send me a pm if you got msn or xfire :)


Posted: 2007-04-04 11:57
by Fullforce
Great stuff! Really gives a nice show of PR.

Posted: 2007-04-06 17:11
by Popa
I've watched day 1 and picked up many tips from it. Gotta go watch the other 2 now.

Great work lawd!

Posted: 2007-04-06 17:32
by Randleman5102
Nice work.

Posted: 2007-04-07 04:43
by blud
Why would you send 6 guys to Estate (on foot no less) when it's obvious that the other 2 small squads and a bunch of blues are pretty much not going to cap kyongan ni? So you basically wasted your squad of 6 guys for the first 6 minutes of the round, making it a 20 on 14 game (for China), while your guys just hiked around in the forest doing nothing for your team.

I'm all for leap-frogging flags, but I just think that was a very bad call that hurt your team and allowed china to roll you back to your last base. The video just shows that USMC would have done just as well during that 10 minute period if your squad stayed at home base and stood still staring at each other.

Sry I wouldn't post such a negative post except that people are praising your tactics here and I don't get it.

The video diary thing is a good idea though, and I understand that PR isn't too big in Australia so, it's cool that you are doing things with it and building it up with this, etc. My only tip is that PR is about resources. Use your resources wisely. If 1 team uses their vehicles and men well, and the other team has their guys hiding in forests not attacking, then that's a waste of resources.

Posted: 2007-04-07 06:50
by ThePhotoshop
Thank you for the tip, and yes, it was a pretty bad use of resources. It was a very early game and I wasn't as farmiliar with the mechanics of PR, which is why I felt taking out their Estate rally point was a priority (I don't think they respawned in this version.)

It's a good example of something that I've learned from and won't make the same mistake in the future. Don't worry about being negative, I did ask for feedback in any form.

Project Reality ain't that huge in Australia (at least compared to vBF2) but it is starting to build a dedicated player base. We only have one server worth playing on.

Posted: 2007-04-07 08:31
by blud
Have you heard of Gungrave Warriors? (They are an Australian clan who just joined the PRL)

Posted: 2007-04-13 11:43
by fuzzhead
Wow Photoshop!!!! Day 4 is AMAZING!!!! how long did that take to do??? very well done man!!! This is without a doubt the best PR video I have seen to date! Yes, better than the promo video by far, cause it shows REAL teamwork in a live game!

Keep it up man!

Posted: 2007-04-13 12:57
by ThePhotoshop
Thanks heaps, I'm very proud of it. It's taken be about four days so far to get that nine minutes together, and after two more days I'm halfway through Part 2 of 4. It's very time consuming, but I love it.

Posted: 2007-04-13 12:58
by *2Recon*
Really cool. Part 4 is truly amazing. Reminds me of 24 with the split creens and stuff. Thank you and keep it up!

Posted: 2007-04-17 04:49
by dbzao
Yep, great job man. I liked all the days. Day 4 is indeed very nice with the 3rd person scenes. Part 2 ended with me saying "Omg that spec ops just got healed right in his face and he's looking at the map!! What will happen?!" :p

But hey, even just the 1st person videos are very nice. If you get tired of doing the 3rd person recordings, just having 1st person is not bad at all.

Looking forward for the next ones ;)


Posted: 2007-04-17 07:20
by PF-Greasy Monkey
great stuff
I like the way you see everything from a different angle

Posted: 2007-04-17 09:25
by theSASTA
very cool video!
as others said before.. day 4 for the win.... u get the feeling u wont miss any actions with your different views. keep up the good work

Posted: 2007-04-17 12:12
by Kruder
Yeah very good editing,soundtrack and teamwork.These videos might be even used as official teasers for PR.
Keep it up

Posted: 2007-04-19 04:19
by ThePhotoshop

Posted: 2007-04-19 07:15
by arthuro12
i lobve this... very nice 10/10 this should be like promovid or something..

Posted: 2007-06-14 05:06
by ThePhotoshop

Posted: 2007-06-14 08:35
by Outlawz7
Hmm, what I really like, is the tactic, where SL moves in to the objective and only then his squad spawns on less travelling and logictics needed...

Posted: 2007-06-14 08:51
by eggman
lovely work!