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Video AAR: Over the Bridge We Go...

Posted: 2007-06-19 13:22
by loyalguard
I'd like to share a little video AAR from a round played on the Tactical Gamer Server last night on the Qwai River map. It is short, but it contains a lot of aspects of the game play of PR that really make playing enjoyable for me. You will see uniform squad/fire team structures, coordination and communication, tactical movement and formations, and strict exercise of fire discipline.

At the beginning of the round as USMC we headed out from our Main Base in an APC with the objective to secure the bridge in the middle of the map. Our squad is broken down into two three-man fireteams each with a dedicated kit and role to fill. The three-minute video below picks up the action as we are about to arrive at our deployment marker. I hope you enjoy:

YouTube: Over the Bridge We Go...

Posted: 2007-06-19 15:30
by daranz
You check your capslock map more than a commander does :p

Posted: 2007-06-19 15:32
by Dunehunter
The capslock map is really, really helpful. Trust me, you want to know where the spotted bad guys and the good guys are.

Posted: 2007-06-19 16:47
by loyalguard
daranz wrote:You check your capslock map more than a commander does :p
This is true, it does dampen the video a little...sorry!

I find myself doing this a lot in game. In the TG In-house squad I play with (TG-1st Mechanized Infantry Platoon (MIP)) we concentrate really hard on maintaining fireteam formations. I stay in formation by highlighting my fireteam leader so he appears as a white dot in the caps-lock map and check my position relative to him. I probably did it more in this video because I was playing medic and for the most part was in the rear of the formation so I have more time to check for intel and my position on in the formation. I have my caps-lock map set to my mouse-wheel button so I can quickly check it and put it away again.

Posted: 2007-06-19 17:52
by daranz
Hey, I tend to give orders via the capslock map while driving at the same time.... :p

Posted: 2007-06-20 02:35
by Jacyte
that's really impressive teamwork there - i'll have to check the server out :p

Posted: 2007-06-20 02:42
by eggman
Nice vid :)

I much prefer the "M" map as it doesn't block input.

I also prefer 2 man fireteams within the 6 man squad construct as it's a lil easier for 2 guys to keep track of each other. You can pair up a bit something like
Squad Leader & Medic
SAW & Rifleman
AT & Rifleman

But then again all my thinking is in v0.6 terms hehe... and the Rifleman is uber in v0.6.

Posted: 2007-06-20 02:50
by youm0nt
I look at the tactical map frequently. Really useful. Nice teamwork on that video guys. Heh, he said "Enemy Vodnik down" at 2:33. It ain't a Vodnik, haha. I laughed at the, "No requesting kits without asking", haha. E_Male is a great squadleader and team player.

Posted: 2007-06-20 03:16
by fuzzhead
yea great vid i frequently look at tactical map too, usually try to stay low when looking at it though, too many times get shot while looking at the map hehe

Posted: 2007-06-20 09:21
by Dirtboy
Awesome vid dood...Communication FTW