Tales from the back of my head...
Posted: 2007-07-08 23:42
Yeah...so I dream alot but have never had a real war dream until last night..
it was pretty intense so thought i would share it.
SO i find myself staying next to the new hamas headquarters somewhere in the palistinien territories...Im with backpackers and next to us is an underground bunker...naturally the Isrealis come calling with a big fat bomb which blows us across the street but i make it out alive...not too strange of a dream BUT THEN...
I am suddenly with a group of marines in the second floor balconey of a dark old house gearing up to engage a house full of fanatic militants..
suddenly grenades and small flash bomblets start getting tossed up onto the balconey...slowly and first and then picking up pace..naturally in pure hollywood style im throwing them back down...
the commander of our group tells us to engage and as soon as he does i see the lead soldier get torn through with bullets...just really wrecked...so of course i was thinking..."OH ****"
so we start advancing thorugh a courtyard and its night time. fire going off everywhere...soldiers getting smoked on both sides..Squad leader advances and call me up...then i relize i dont even know how to reload my gun...(i somehow managed to switch to single shot though..???)
so im like "OH ****, save bullets and just try to not get punked"
so i advance with the SL and we get between two buildings and can actually loook up into the windows and see the militia guys firing...so we start popping them and then up in the top window i see a big bad *** guy with a large rifle of some sort (aka "the boss")
i sight him and then realize im out of ammo...somewhere around that time a cascade of weapons comes falling down out the windows...all used old guns and i catch a glimpse of the little chechen machine pistol in the mix....of course i didnt try to use it...i pick up a g3 and start popping the boss...he takes a good three shots to the body and goes down...yeah we win...
so then me and the SL decide to walk back to base alone..uhmm...WTF....we are just chatting and im thanking him for keeping my *** alive..like in a cowardly..."thank the lord!" kind of way..
suddenly soem street punk comes up on us and i try to tell the SL he is coming but the words wont come out...and as the SL turns the punk shoots him in the throat...naturally im still carrying my weapon and i turn and drop him and another one of his friends...then i start dragging the SL calling for help...he is not looking good and pouring blood..
i find some other soldiers adn we manage to haul the SL back to our base.. we have no operating theater so the doctor goes to work on him in the messhall...i get yelled at by the SLs second in command but i wanted to tell him the whole time..."dude, im not a soldier...no idea why im here...cant even reload my gun...."
hehe...anyway dream went on a bit more but that was the main part...
WeIrD...never had a real war dream before...
it was pretty intense so thought i would share it.
SO i find myself staying next to the new hamas headquarters somewhere in the palistinien territories...Im with backpackers and next to us is an underground bunker...naturally the Isrealis come calling with a big fat bomb which blows us across the street but i make it out alive...not too strange of a dream BUT THEN...
I am suddenly with a group of marines in the second floor balconey of a dark old house gearing up to engage a house full of fanatic militants..
suddenly grenades and small flash bomblets start getting tossed up onto the balconey...slowly and first and then picking up pace..naturally in pure hollywood style im throwing them back down...
the commander of our group tells us to engage and as soon as he does i see the lead soldier get torn through with bullets...just really wrecked...so of course i was thinking..."OH ****"
so we start advancing thorugh a courtyard and its night time. fire going off everywhere...soldiers getting smoked on both sides..Squad leader advances and call me up...then i relize i dont even know how to reload my gun...(i somehow managed to switch to single shot though..???)
so im like "OH ****, save bullets and just try to not get punked"
so i advance with the SL and we get between two buildings and can actually loook up into the windows and see the militia guys firing...so we start popping them and then up in the top window i see a big bad *** guy with a large rifle of some sort (aka "the boss")
i sight him and then realize im out of ammo...somewhere around that time a cascade of weapons comes falling down out the windows...all used old guns and i catch a glimpse of the little chechen machine pistol in the mix....of course i didnt try to use it...i pick up a g3 and start popping the boss...he takes a good three shots to the body and goes down...yeah we win...
so then me and the SL decide to walk back to base alone..uhmm...WTF....we are just chatting and im thanking him for keeping my *** alive..like in a cowardly..."thank the lord!" kind of way..
suddenly soem street punk comes up on us and i try to tell the SL he is coming but the words wont come out...and as the SL turns the punk shoots him in the throat...naturally im still carrying my weapon and i turn and drop him and another one of his friends...then i start dragging the SL calling for help...he is not looking good and pouring blood..
i find some other soldiers adn we manage to haul the SL back to our base.. we have no operating theater so the doctor goes to work on him in the messhall...i get yelled at by the SLs second in command but i wanted to tell him the whole time..."dude, im not a soldier...no idea why im here...cant even reload my gun...."
hehe...anyway dream went on a bit more but that was the main part...
WeIrD...never had a real war dream before...