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Convoy movement!(Hell out of dodge)=E=

Posted: 2007-07-23 00:19
by LtSoucy
OK 2 or 3 hummers or anything make sure u have a driver and gunner taht can follow orders. As u move the pic below will tell u a 2 car convoy.

-way gun points
o car it self

-o o-

Now a 3 car

-o o o-

Middle car coves everything.

And also as a squad leader ake sure u stay togather if u dont u are just a bunch of men. Keep them togather u may need fireteams. Also even flanking partys.

Fireteams-Small groups of men that move apart from each other and act like 2 different squad but can come togather at once.

Flanking Partys- Ok if u have 2 men pinned by a MG gun send a 3 man team(Fireteam^) and flank the MG before they atack toss nades on its spot and then move in fast. once neades in air start moving if anyone is living u dont want them to have the whole unit pinned.

Posted: 2007-07-23 00:40
by DeathDealer
Thx that really helps! I'll make sure to use it next time I play.

Posted: 2007-07-23 23:17
by Outlawz7
Use the drive-by tactic. Have a good gunner and drive like youre playing NFS :D
Has a large amount of suprise element

Posted: 2007-08-10 04:16
by Raith_exile
Outlawz wrote:Use the drive-by tactic. Have a good gunner and drive like youre playing NFS :D
Has a large amount of suprise element
That works especially well as insurgents on Al Basrah. Get a war vet or insurgent to be your gunner and just cruise the streets and mow down any Brits that get in your way. The key thing to remember is Never Stop! as soon as you slow down they have a clear shot at you.

To relate this to the topic, you could always try having the SL with two gunners follow you in a technical to finish off any survivors.

Posted: 2007-08-10 19:02
by Outlawz7
I use it on other maps, since after you cature a flag, you can quickly go to the next instead of jogging for 15 minutes and getting under fire 10 times during that.

I know, its flag hopping, but hey, its effective. And you can get to places, where people wouldnt expect you to arrive that fast.

Posted: 2007-08-11 00:16
by mrmong
i've yet to see a succesful car attack, it usually ends up with RPG.. BOOM everyone dead. but in like youtube iraq footagfe stuff the squads are usually effective at killing the insurgents.

Posted: 2007-08-11 10:59
by LtSoucy
it maybe is becasue u are going to slow past the RPG. The most imporant thing is never to stop! And if u use sped the RPG cant hit u or if it does lucky shot.

Posted: 2007-08-22 16:52
by ljufmennid+1
DeathDealer wrote:Thx that really helps! I'll make sure to use it next time I play.
Also like the

-0 -0 -0
0- 0- 0-

But thats only when I have the professional dancers with me not the amatures that you often find in the army

-0- double pistol also good

0 Mohawk warrior can also do lot of good to "freak the enamy out" Bowie style

And the 0/o'-o() ´´´´´0æ but never do this unless you have a pound of cream, some tiny shoes, A man with memoryloss and a flaming cocktail....

Posted: 2007-08-26 16:25
by -=TB=-ante9383
Are you on crack?