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TG vs. iGi/Hx scrim vid!

Posted: 2007-08-20 10:48
by Dirtboy
A video AAR of the external scrim against iGi/Hx.

Enjoy :)

Let me know what you all think :)

Posted: 2007-08-20 11:16
by Top_Cat_AxJnAt
WOOOOOOOOO.....come on i cant wait. Came back from a holiday the day it happened so listening to TS communications was the closest i and quite a few others got to playing!

Posted: 2007-08-20 11:24
by Outlawz7
Uh wtf, 5 Kb per second? Where did you upload this?

Posted: 2007-08-20 12:10
by AfterDune
Cool vid, Dirtboy :) .
I also made a vid about it :D -->

Posted: 2007-08-20 12:24
by Outlawz7
btw, who was who and who won?

Posted: 2007-08-20 12:29
by AfterDune
The round in the vid was the first round of the match. iGi/Hx were PLA, TG was USMC. PLA won with 59 tickets. But TG made it a bit toughter the next round, lol :p . They won that round with 47 tickets.

Posted: 2007-08-20 13:02
by .:iGi:.U.G.H.
Outlawz wrote:btw, who was who and who won?
Do you never read our clan forums? :lol:

You should have been playing... There was about 20 .:iGi:. on. B)

Posted: 2007-08-20 15:02
by fuzzhead
cool vid, i see the TG guys didnt do a very good room clearing check lol ;)

although the holding spawn until the squad leader hits the ground tactic works sometimes, it looks ultra gay hehehe hopefully it gets removed so things like that arent possible...

looks like you guys had fun, in the future we should have a TG versus public night !

Posted: 2007-08-20 15:31
by G.Drew
nice, go EU! yay! :P

P.S. whats with all the advert ****?

Posted: 2007-08-20 15:40
by Top_Cat_AxJnAt
[R-DEV]fuzzhead wrote: although the holding spawn until the squad leader hits the ground tactic works sometimes, it looks ultra gay hehehe hopefully it gets removed so things like that arent possible...

That game changed my mind totaly and forever about squad leader spwn.
I am sorry fuzz for not giving you total and utter support on the matter previously. ;-)

I just hope you can perswade the hard boiled egg of a DEV to allow it.

This srim, a hihgly organized event involving the best of the best GLOBALY, in which such un-realistic tactics were employed to great effect, could act as a clear example for why change in needed.

Posted: 2007-08-20 15:44
by AfterDune
G.Drew wrote:P.S. whats with all the advert ****?
Use Firefox and install the AdBlock Plus extension. No ads for me anywhere! :D

Posted: 2007-08-20 15:44
by DeePsix
Very cool videos. I cant believe those guys hid in the mine like that. Pretty epic.

Also that one APC knocked out two LAVs. Nice gunning :wink:

Posted: 2007-08-20 16:01
by .:iGi:. Greg
[R-DEV]fuzzhead wrote:looks like you guys had fun, in the future we should have a TG versus public night !
Great idea. We could have a TG vs Public for the USA guys and iGi/HX vs Public for the European guys. :smile:

Posted: 2007-08-20 17:08
by Top_Cat_AxJnAt
So overal we just need more srims. But can we get the big cheeses to organize more.

QUestion to iGi players and Helix: Did you have more players wanting to play than there were space for them to play or not enough?

Posted: 2007-08-20 17:33
by El_Vikingo
Top_Cat_AxJnAt wrote:So overal we just need more srims. But can we get the big cheeses to organize more.

QUestion to iGi players and Helix: Did you have more players wanting to play than there were space for them to play or not enough?
Some couldn't make it, for example me; :-( The PC was bust!

Posted: 2007-08-20 19:53
by Dirtboy
[R-DEV]fuzzhead wrote:
although the holding spawn until the squad leader hits the ground tactic works sometimes, it looks ultra gay hehehe hopefully it gets removed so things like that arent possible...
God I hope not...if this isnt possible there would be alot of long and boring walks. I love the Squad leader spawn...for the love of everything holy dont take it out.

Posted: 2007-08-20 20:08
by gazzthompson
Top_Cat_AxJnAt wrote: QUestion to iGi players and Helix: Did you have more players wanting to play than there were space for them to play or not enough?
iGi played all the players we had on the night.

AfterDune wrote:Cool vid, Dirtboy :) .
I also made a vid about it :D -->
im in that video !!!!^^^^^^^^

3:13 last man to cross road , 4:21 kill a guy with QBB

Posted: 2007-08-20 20:10
by AfterDune
gazzthompson wrote:iGi played all the players we had on the night.
We have more players, but all who signed up were there :) .

Posted: 2007-08-21 00:29
by Outlawz7
Yeah, everyone is forgeting about me /emo


Posted: 2007-08-21 07:27
by .:iGi:. Greg
Top_Cat_AxJnAt wrote:So overal we just need more srims. But can we get the big cheeses to organize more.

QUestion to iGi players and Helix: Did you have more players wanting to play than there were space for them to play or not enough?
I can't speak for Helix, but iGi has a few more players, but TBH we probably had the most we could get at any one time.