After they begin to move they are moving slowly and quietly. But as 1 guy yells SNIPER and then BANG! The SL goes down. Then to other sniper fires and kills the insrgent sniper. After all the whole team will die to the insrgents. Although they NEVER gave 1 kit to the insrgents.
As they move back to in to cover the main road they g ot a building over looking the mosque. After being there 2 minutes insrgents are all over. They start shotting and killing them. They have not taken any kits from mosque most of the round. Now they cant move out of it. Once we start thge fish in a barrel. I see a civi and a insrgent moving to gather. And the i pop a shot at them. They take cover but the civi standing strait but looking down at the insrgent makes u think. LOOK AND FOLLOW THE GREEN SHIRT. After some cease fire they come ouut and then BANG there little freind is dead. Then civi teabags.
Don-10(Not whole name forgot rest sry)
Don-10(Not whole name forgot rest sry)
Great job guys and we did use the buildings color to defend are selves from other people looking at us.