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Jabal Al Burg + USMC APC Ownage :D
Posted: 2007-10-14 03:57
by Doom721
Dan and me alternating driving, patrolling all of Al burg, running from flag to flag, - Bullseye dominating in defense with HAT, EAST providing repairs and removing of mines ( Noobfragger rocks but he wasn't in the round long
It was a complete slaughter, though at the end we lost 12-0 from losing west beach. ( We were on east
Murder was helping all around inf/AT but he went AFK in the APC so long at the end we started cracking jokes at him
( We went through I think 3-4 APCs through the whole round )
Posted: 2007-10-14 05:31
by Teek
After watching Discovery Channel, I learned how to pronounce Burj.
(there was a program about a building in dubai, called the Dubai Al Burj)
Posted: 2007-10-14 15:24
by para_hjs
I participated on that round, nice indeed. But how did you managed to get so high scores? Driving round in APC whole round?
Posted: 2007-10-14 17:00
by LeadMagnet
Isn't one thread enough stroking of the epeen on this?
Posted: 2007-10-14 17:39
by Doom721
Lol murder don't take it harshly, and yes the points were gained from driving/gunning the APC 90% of the time ( me and dan switched at various times)
Posted: 2007-10-15 01:02
by danthemanbuddy
StrkTm MurderCityDevil wrote:Gee Doom. Thanks for mentioning me...
You were mentioned in a lot of one liners when you were AFK.
Lol Story Nazi
Posted: 2007-10-15 04:07
by Doom721
Doom721: So I was in the forest by this ... * cut off *
MurderCityDevil: No stories lets go
Posted: 2007-10-15 04:30
by Bullseye
Doom721 wrote:
- Bullseye dominating in defense with HAT,
I only used the HAT once on an apc before the round ended, i was rifleman the whole time pretty much.