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Your ego's writing cheques you can't cash

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:34
by LordSquiffy
Funny moment this morning.

I was on a PLA / USMC map (sorry can't remember which one, still new to me) this morning and I spawned on a spot that could only be exited by air. There were wrecks of mini birds all over the place (which was worrying) and EVERY time someone tried to fly us off the mountain we crashed and burned usually before we even left the ground. Must have happened ten or more times.

The hilarious thing was watching all the troops pile out of a spinning heli and running in all directions to get away from this totally out of control aircraft.

Well done for trying guys. I'm off to the singleplayer servers tonight to practice before I try and fly online.

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:39
by Dunehunter
Good idea. What is the connection between your post and your topic though :s

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:39
by MrD
Yes, that's what the guys who couldn't fly the choppers should have done! Or maybe read the manual about the 30 second warmup of choppers, or had a decent enough pc to be able to make minute adjustments to their choppers trim and get off the ground safely :)

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:43
by Outlawz7
Road to Kyongan Ni would be the map.

I remember the same thing on Muttrah in 0.5, where you had to swim to the city, as no one even knew, how to take off with the LBs...
Then I took a pilot kit and delivered 2 squads safe to Docks past the enemy AA, although I did a little boo boo at the 3rd run and got shot down and all of a sudden the twats, who couldn't even take off and praised me for the superb flying, called me "noob" "u have no skillz" and that ****... :/

Posted: 2007-10-25 08:56
by LordSquiffy
[R-MOD]dunehunter wrote:Good idea. What is the connection between your post and your topic though :s
Related to the famous line in Top Gun when Mav gets bollocked for putting his very high opinion of his own flying skills before the safety of his team.

That make sense?

Posted: 2007-10-25 09:32
by .:iGi:.NinjaJedi

"your ego's writin cheques your butt cant cash"

and i feel it added to the campness of the film immensly.

Posted: 2007-10-25 09:46
by LordSquiffy
.:iGi:.NinjaJedi wrote:its:

"your ego's writin cheques your butt cant cash"

and i feel it added to the campness of the film immensly.
Now thats interesting......we were discussing that in the office the other day. I never noticed the film's campness at the time. I haven't watched it for years, so maybe my opinion would be different now.

Posted: 2007-10-25 09:51
by Doc_Frank
Oh, what a Classic! :thumbsup:

When pilots are emptying their magazines at the feet of their "rivals" and race to the first spawning LB, just to kill a half squad at the takeoff. The other half - who managed to bail out - bleeds to death. :cussing:


Posted: 2007-10-25 10:15
by LordSquiffy
Tell you what though, it REALLY made me laugh! At one stage the bird was pirouetting all over the place and guys were scattering to get away. Wished I'd filmed it now...could've won awards for that.

To the pilots though, don't think I'm having a go. You attempted what I wouldn't, so fair play to you.

Posted: 2007-10-25 10:28
by .:iGi:.NinjaJedi
is just practice mate, you'll get the hang of it in no time.

Posted: 2007-10-25 11:31
by Doc_Frank
Yeah and if anybody would take the time to read the manual, he would understand that if you don't wait for the heli's engine to start, you're gonna crash (and be mocked)! :p

About the same as some guys begging for help at their first time like "PLZ, HOW CAN I HAVE A SNIPER KIT????????????"

Posted: 2007-10-29 04:23
by Hx.Clavdivs
Next time I'm gonna get myself a pilot kit and just basejump instead. Come to think of it, thats actually not such a bad idea ...

Posted: 2007-10-29 10:19
by Warmagi
Hx.Clavdivs wrote:Next time I'm gonna get myself a pilot kit and just basejump instead. Come to think of it, thats actually not such a bad idea ...

Its a great idea. We should make a basejumping competition, and team basejumping ;)