Tales of Fratricide
Posted: 2007-11-23 06:42
This is not going to be a very fun subject, but it is important nonetheless, there are players out there who aren't always so eager to play by the rules, they're not bad people, maybe they're going through a hard time, or are too young to understand the new gameplay dynamics PR brings to the field.
everyone has seen them, if you're smart you document them, if you document them this is the place for them.
this is for serious offenders only. everyone has accidents, if someone is clearly aggravated and is taking their anger out on other players, let us know, if someone misplaces a mine and someone runs over it, it was an honest mistake, and should be ignored.
Name: Ryan3215 Fairly outdated, he has been better since this event
Violation: multiple TKs/mild Racism
Server: BattleArena
Comments: Tks because I don't pick him up, continues arguing over global chat and eventually makes a few mildly racist remarks.
Name: M240 HeavySupportSoldier
Violation: 12 TKs, Teabagging
Server: BattleArena
Comments: check the pictures
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/7978 ... 074ci5.jpg
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6397 ... 075ou1.png
Name: account007
Violation: TKs, friendly spawn camping
Server: not sure, some street only server.
Comments: not sure what pissed him off, i think i got the last marksman kit, he got angry started TKing and switched accounts, TKed some more until he got bored.
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/9499 ... 254dm1.png
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/3491 ... 255xf8.png
Name: Sgt.Brown_Jello
Violation: TKing, language
Server: BattlArena
Comments: this one is actually kind of funny, we were using the merlin as a gunship, under alot of fire he wants me to set him down on top of the hotel, i tell him no, it's too hot and we're not running a transport bird at the moment, he gets really angry, so i decide to take him down to the street, we come under fire as we land. he jumps out i immediately take off and he gets damaged to the point of "CEASE FIRE SOLDIER!". i apologize and he starts getting pissed because hes bleeding.
we're off orbiting the VCP the H-AT is killing the insurgents left and right, the warriors storm in, supported by infantry. the commander is on voip telling me "NORTHWEST BUNKER, CONCENTRATE FIRE ON NW BUNKER" and we are pushing the insurgents out of the VCP, when i see jello on global chat. "IF U DONT NO HOW TO FLY THE MERLIN DONT FLY"
i tell him that i was under fire and had the commander ordering me to take out targets.
he responds by telling me "IF U DONT NO HOW TO FLY LET SOME1 WHO DOES FLY"
eventually he and his precious sniper are killed. he spawns back at base just as i am heading out after repairing. he gets in an APC aims up and fires at the merlin.
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7976 ... 310pb8.png
one thing you might notice is most of these people TKed my merlin, I don't mind if someone TKs me when i have a rifleman or even a sniper kit, but to hurt the team by destroying a vehicle that is actively providing a critical role to the battle is just not appropriate.
everyone has seen them, if you're smart you document them, if you document them this is the place for them.
this is for serious offenders only. everyone has accidents, if someone is clearly aggravated and is taking their anger out on other players, let us know, if someone misplaces a mine and someone runs over it, it was an honest mistake, and should be ignored.
Name: Ryan3215 Fairly outdated, he has been better since this event
Violation: multiple TKs/mild Racism
Server: BattleArena
Comments: Tks because I don't pick him up, continues arguing over global chat and eventually makes a few mildly racist remarks.
Name: M240 HeavySupportSoldier
Violation: 12 TKs, Teabagging
Server: BattleArena
Comments: check the pictures
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/7978 ... 074ci5.jpg
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/6397 ... 075ou1.png
Name: account007
Violation: TKs, friendly spawn camping
Server: not sure, some street only server.
Comments: not sure what pissed him off, i think i got the last marksman kit, he got angry started TKing and switched accounts, TKed some more until he got bored.
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/9499 ... 254dm1.png
http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/3491 ... 255xf8.png
Name: Sgt.Brown_Jello
Violation: TKing, language
Server: BattlArena
Comments: this one is actually kind of funny, we were using the merlin as a gunship, under alot of fire he wants me to set him down on top of the hotel, i tell him no, it's too hot and we're not running a transport bird at the moment, he gets really angry, so i decide to take him down to the street, we come under fire as we land. he jumps out i immediately take off and he gets damaged to the point of "CEASE FIRE SOLDIER!". i apologize and he starts getting pissed because hes bleeding.
we're off orbiting the VCP the H-AT is killing the insurgents left and right, the warriors storm in, supported by infantry. the commander is on voip telling me "NORTHWEST BUNKER, CONCENTRATE FIRE ON NW BUNKER" and we are pushing the insurgents out of the VCP, when i see jello on global chat. "IF U DONT NO HOW TO FLY THE MERLIN DONT FLY"
i tell him that i was under fire and had the commander ordering me to take out targets.
he responds by telling me "IF U DONT NO HOW TO FLY LET SOME1 WHO DOES FLY"
eventually he and his precious sniper are killed. he spawns back at base just as i am heading out after repairing. he gets in an APC aims up and fires at the merlin.
http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7976 ... 310pb8.png
one thing you might notice is most of these people TKed my merlin, I don't mind if someone TKs me when i have a rifleman or even a sniper kit, but to hurt the team by destroying a vehicle that is actively providing a critical role to the battle is just not appropriate.