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Supply Jeep

Posted: 2007-12-11 13:16
by hx.bjoffe
How come i never see the Commander use the supply jeep?
When i command, i use it almost exclusivly (on the maps that provide it.)
Is it becouse too few know how to use it? Becouse they dont have a engineer to bring along?
Or is it becouse they prefer the expensive (5 tickets), slow moving, zergling-rush'y Support Trucks influence on gameplay?

You know, there's so many beautiful Firebases one can create, on places one would never reach with the Truck.

Do you ever use the jeep when commanding?

Posted: 2007-12-11 14:01
by Outlawz7

Repair jeep = supply truck, you can build everything with it. And yes, I use it all the time on armor maps, where its available, only problem is, when someone just drives it off for his tank squad or personal taxi, then tells me to deploy a supply truck with nearly 50 tickets left (-50 tickets and you can't deploy another thing) :/

Posted: 2007-12-11 17:30
by MadTommy
shhh dont tell em'.. i was keeping this tactic for myself.

You're dead right bjoffe. I try not to use the CO truck where possible.

(err little extra tip for ya..the support truck also builds sandbag walls for you as well...a little slowly..but works a treat.)

Re: Supply Jeep

Posted: 2008-08-07 01:44
by WildBill1337
ok forgive me, but whats the difference between CO trucks and supply jeeps? are CO trucks the big 8-man transports and are supply jeeps like humvees and vodniks?